Women And Law BBA..LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : BBA..LL.B (5 years)
Subject Code/Name : Women And Law
Year :I
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Dec 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4770.-e1_0149.pdf
Dec 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4770.-f9_0175-0149.pdf
Jun 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4770.-a4_0175-0149.pdf

KSLU Women & Law Question Paper

I Semester Five Years B.A./B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) Examination, December 2012
Duration : 21/2 Hours
Max. Marks : 70

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KSLU BA LLB Elements of Research Question Paper


1. Answer all 5 Questions.
2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred to as Part (a) and Part (b) in all the Units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the legal reforms that took place in pre-constitutional period with reference to Hindu and Muslim women in India. Marks : 9
Explain the provisions relating to women under Indian Constitution.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
Women in pre-constitution period.
Social reform movement in India.

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the unequal position of Hindu women with reference to property rights. Marks : 9
Explain the difficulties to implement the uniform civil code with relation to family laws in India.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
Inheritance under Muslim Law.
Guardianship rights of Muslim women.

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain the salient features of pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act. Marks : 9
Explain the provisions relating to prevention of Immoral Trafficking in Women Act.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
Sex Determination Test
Dowry Prohibition Law.

Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the features of Prevention of Domestic Violence against Women Act, 2005 [PDVW Act, 2005] Marks : 9
Explain the features of Indecent Representation of Women Act.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
Law relating to Eve-Teasing.

Q. No. 5. (a) Write a note on the benefits conferred on the women under Factories Act. Marks : 9
Explain the Law relating to Sexual Harassment at work place in India.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
Objectives of National Commission for women. OR
Equal remuneration.

June 2013

First Semester Five Years B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. (Hon’s) Examination,  :
Duration : 2½ Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
1. Answer all 5 Questions.
2. One essay type and one short note question from each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred as Part (a) and (b) in all the Units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.

UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the social reforms movement in pre-constitutional period. OR
Discuss the Legislative responses in India with relation to upliftment of women position in India.
(b) Write short note on :
Political representation of women. OR
Women in pre-constitutional period.

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the unequal position of Muslim Women with reference to property rights. OR
Explain the Guardianship Rights of Hindu Women in India.
(b) Write short note on :
Inheritance under Christian Law. OR
Matrimonial property.

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain in brief the Law relating to Dowry Prohibition. OR
Discuss the Law relating to Divorce by Mutual Consent.
(b) Write short note on :
Sex Determination Test. OR

Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the Law relating to Adultery and Rape. OR
Explain the Law relating to outraging the modesty of women.
(b) Write short note on :
Kidnapping. OR
Indecent Representation of Women.

UNIT – V :
Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the provisions relating to women under Factories Act. OR
Explain the aims and functions of National Commission for Women.

(b) Write short note on :
Sexual Harassment at work place. OR
Maternity Benefits.

December 2013

5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)/B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) First Semester Examination,  :
UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss the Constitutional provisions for the protection of women. Marks : 9 OR
Examine the social and legal inequalities for women during the pre-constitution period.

(b) Write note on : Marks : 5
Air India Vs Nargees Meerza OR
C. B. Muttamma Vs Union of India.

Q. No. 2. (a) “The fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution to Indian women are taken away by the Personal Laws”. Analyse. Marks : 9 OR
Explain the betterment of property rights of Hindu women down the centuries.

Categories: Law Studies
Tags: kslu.ac.in
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