English BA.LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree :BA.LL.B (5 years)
Subject Code/Name : English
Semester : II
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

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KSLU English Question Paper

II Semester B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. 5 Year Law Course Examination, June 2011
Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

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Instructions :
1. Answer all questions.
2. Answer all Units compulsorily.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks

UNIT – 1

Q. No. 1.(A) What are the factors that have shaped the character of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan ? OR
What is the most cherished dream of Rt. Hon. Shrinivas Shastri ? 12 Marks

(B) i) Rewrite the following sentences as directed (any four)
a) His defeat in the election surprised everyone. (into Complex sentence)
b) Rahul succeeded because he worked hard. (into Compound sentence)
c) He was ill, but still he attended the classes. (into Simple sentence)
d) On seeing a cockroach the girl screamed. (into Complex sentence)
e) If you trust in God, you’ll come to no harm. (into compound sentence)
f) Though there was a bomb blast, the match was played. (into simple sentence) 4×1=4 Marks

ii) Combine the following sentences by using the connectives given in the bracket (any four) :
a) Dravid is a great batsman. He is a great team man. (not only … but also)
b) I shall not follow your instructions. I shall not resign. (neither … nor)
c) She heard the shot. She rushed to the spot. (as soon as)
d) She is very orthodox. She won’t change her ideas. (so … that)
e) Regulate your diet. You will be cured of your indigestion. (unless)
f) The guest arrived. All the people in the hall stood up. (no sooner … than) 4×1=4 Marks

UNIT – 2

Q. No. 2.(A) What is the importance of eating the right kind of food ? OR
Sum up Ira Saxena’s views on watching T.V. 12 Marks

(B) i) Change the voice of the verb in the following sentences (any four)
a) The CBI is investigating the case.
b) What did they discuss in the meeting ?
c) Please call the attender.
d) Two hundred books have been added to the library.
e) It was once believed that the earth was flat.
f) He should be seen by a doctor. Marks : 4×1=4

ii) Change the following sentences into direct/indirect speech (any four) :
a) “The customer is always right, Sir,” said the shop-keeper.
b) I said, “Don’t leave the room without my permission”.
c) She said, “Let us go to a picnic”.
d) He requested her to wait there till he returned.
e) The principal asked the girl from whom she had received that letter.
f) She ordered her maid servant to do as she was told. 4×1=4 Marks

UNIT – 3

Q. No. 3.(A) Narrate Nirad Chaudhari’s experiences with the Indian Crowd. OR
Discuss the causes and consequences of the rising population in India. 12 Marks

(B) i) Use appropriate prepositions/question tags in the following sentences (any four)
a) I congratulate you _____________ your success.
b) She prefers to go ________________ taxi.
c) The matter will be looked ___________
d) He has not paid his dues, __________________ ?
e) Give me a glass of water, ___________ ?
f) Let us go out for a drive, ____________ ? 4×1=4 Marks

ii) Fill in the blanks with the following determiners (any four) : (some, few, little, the, enough, any)
a) There isn’t ____________ water in the pot.
b) Is there ________ food for all the guests ?
c) This is ________ book I am looking for .
d) ___________ can keep a secret.
e) There is ________ hope of his survival.
f) Can you give me _________ food to eat ? 4×1=4 Marks

UNIT – 4

Q. No. 4.(A) Comment on V. M. Tarkunde’s observations on the Quit India Movement. OR
How, according to Prof. S. C. Gangal, does India present ‘Unity in diversity’. 12 Marks

(B) i) Use any four of the following legal terms in sentences of your own so as to bring out their meaning
a) Bar b) Defence
c) Hearing d) Sentence
e) Trial f) Witness. 4×1=4 Marks

ii) Use any four of the following idioms in sentences of your own so as to bring out their meaning :
a) Call the shots b) Null and void
c) Leave in the lurch d) To throw mud at
e) Ups and downs f) Hush money. 4×1=4 Marks

UNIT – 5

Q. No. 5.(A) Sum up Rajaji’s views on the development of Indian literature. OR
Bring out the humour in the passage, ‘Headache’. 12 Marks
(B) Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner complaining about the irregular and inadequate water supply to your area. OR
Write a letter to your friend explaining to him the reasons for your choosing the law course. 8 Marks

Categories: English
Tags: kslu.ac.in
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