CE2304 Environmental Engineering-I Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Environmental Engineering-I
Website : valliammai.co.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Valliammai Environmental Engineering-I  Question Paper



1. List four factors affecting per capita water demand.
2. What are the components of a water supply system?
3. What is the objective of water supply system?

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4. What is the significance of Nitrite and fluoride in water?
5. Define Design period.
6. Define the term potable water.
7. State the causes for water pollution.
8. Write the advantage of sub-surface sources
9. What are the uses of nomograms?
10. State the effects when each of the following substances exceeds the prescribed limits in a water sample. (a) Nitrates (b) fluorides.

11. Define ‘percapita demand’.
12. Differentiate between Temporary and Permanent hardness?
13. What is meant by equalizing reservoirs?
14. Rainwater harvesting is the need of the hour – justify.
15. What are the different tests done during water analysis?
16. What do you understand by the term per capita demand? In a town or city for what purpose generally water required.

17. What are the factors to be considered for rain water harvesting?
18. What are the various methods by which ground water recharge is accomplished?
19. List out any four factors affecting rate of demand?

1. Define the term ‘per capita demand’. Write the factors affecting ‘per capita demand’ and state the reasons for variations in demand.
2. What are the causes for pollution of surface and subsurface sources of water? State the measures to be adopted to prevent pollution of water. Write in detail about “Water Pollution” in India. (4)
3. Explain in detail about the “Reasons for the analysis of water”. (4)
4. What are the requirements of potable water for domestic use?(4)
5. What are the various methods of population forecasts? (4)
6. The census records of a city show population as follows: Present 50,000 Before one decade 47,100 Before two decades 43,500 Before three decades 41,000 Workout the probable population after one, two and three decades by using Incremental increase method.
7. Mention the common impurities in water which should be taken into account in deciding the potability of water sample. Describe the essential tests to be performed on such a sample.
8. The population figures of a town during the four decades i.e. 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990 are 25,000, 30,500, 35,500 and42, 000 respectively. Predict its population in the year 2000 and Compare the results through Arithmetical progression. Geometrical progression, Incremental increase method and changing Increase Rate method.
9. Discuss the various Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics of water.
10. Name the various methods of population forecast and explain the circumstances under which it is applicable.
11. Explain the different sources of water and their characteristics with respect to turbidity, hardness, chloride and microbiology.
12. In two periods each of 20 years a city has grown from 50000 to 110000 and 160000 find the population expected in the next 20 years and also the saturation population.
13. Explain the different methods of population forecasting. (8)
14. Explain the significance of different water quality parameters. (8)
15. Determine the daily water demand of the city in 2031, if the per capita water demand is 135 Lpcd and the city population records is as given below. (8)
Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001
population 25000 52000 94000 164000 247000
16. Draw the cross section of an intake structure and list the factors to be considered in location of intake structures. (8)
17. The population of a town as per part census records is given below for the years 1951 to 2001. Forecast the population in the years 2026 and 2041 respectively using the following methods. i. Arithmetical increase method ii. Incremental increase method iii. Geometrical increase method.
Census year 1951 1961 1971 1981 2001
population 44487 62356 78538 98861 133582
18. List out 10 parameters of water quality standards as per the Tamilnadu pollution control board standards. (8)
19. Write a short note on various characteristics of water.


1. Draw the typical line sketch of ‘Dead end system’.
2. What major precautions are taken in handling and laying water pipe lines?
3. What are the factors be considered for locating a pumping station?
4. What are the requirements of a good distribution system?
5. Compare the merit and demerits of continuous and intermittent supply system water
6. What are the objectives of public water supply scheme?
7. What are the intakes?
8. Differentiate between ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ intake.
9. What are the different materials used for water supply pipes?
10. Mention any two differences between intermittent and continuous water supply.
11. Give any two methods of leak detection in pipes.
12. How do you select pipe material for water supply scheme?
13. What is the loss of head in a CI transmission main of 300 mm in diameter and 2 km length with C- value 100, when it carries a flow of 10 m3/ min?
14. What are the two types of Intake according to their position?

1. Draw a neat sketch of canal intake and explain the working principle. State its merit and demerits.
2. Describe the procedure adopted for laying and testing of water mains.
3. Write a brief note leak detection and state the various tests used to detect the leakage of water.

4. Explain in detail about ‘Canal intakes’ with a neat diagram.
5. Compare the merits and demerits of the ‘Continuous’ and ‘intermittent’ systems of water supply.
6. (b) Give sketches of the following: (i) Elevated Reservoir (ii) Surface Reservoir
7. Explain the procedure for the complete testing of a newly laid C.I. pipe for carrying water supply.

8. What factors are required to be considered in the selection of the type of pump? Discuss the situations under which the following types of may be used. a. Reciprocating pumps b. centrifugal pumps c. Air lift pumps. 9. What are the methods available for supplying water to the consumers? Which one do you think to be preferable and why? 10. What are intakes? Explain any two intake structure with neat sketches. 11. Write short notes on: a. Service storage b. Fire hydrant 12. Explain the treatment processes carried out for the removal of impurities in water? 13. What are the different types of reservoirs used for storage purposes? Explain any one system in a neat sketch.

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