International Trade Economics LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LL.B (3 years)
Subject Code/Name : International Trade Economics
Year : III
Semester : VI
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

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Jun-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4718-0606.pdf
Dec-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4718-98_0606.pdf
Jun-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4718-c1_0606.pdf
Dec-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4718-ef_0606.pdf
Jun-2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4718-0606-1006.pdf

KSLU International Trade Economics Question Paper

VI Semester of 3 Years LL.B./ X Semester 5 Years B.A. LL.B/B.B.A. LL.B Examination,

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Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions :
1. Answer all 5 Questions.
2. One essay type and one short note from each Unit.

June/July 2014

UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the objectives, structure and powers of World Trade Organisation (WTO). Marks : 15 OR
Explain the historical background of International Trade in India.
(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5 OR
‘Most Favored Nation’.

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain about the Right to take sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures. Marks : 15 OR
What is anti-dumping ? What is its purpose in international trade ?
(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5
Countervailing measures. OR

Q. No. 3. (a) Discuss about Vienna Convention on sale of goods. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the Rules relating to rejection of goods in contracts under International Sale of Goods.

(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5
Product Liability. OR
Obligation of seller.

Q. No. 4. (a) Explain about licencing of export and import. Marks : 15 OR
Explain different kinds of letters of credit.
(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5
Kinds of Marine Insurance. OR
Bill of Lading.

UNIT – V :
Q. No. 5. (a) Discuss about Foreign Direct Investment in industries and its governing policies. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the significance of Foreign Investment.
(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5
Investment by NRIs. OR
Foreign Institutional Investment.

December 2013

Sixth Semester (3 Years) LL.B. Degree Examination  :
UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Critically evaluate the concept of state’s sovereignty and International Trade Agreements OR
What does most favoured nation treatment means ? Discuss the importance of ‘‘National treatment clause as a pillar of equality in the World Trade Law’’.
(b) Tariffs and Quotas. OR
Balance of payment disequilibrium

Q. No. 2. (a) What do you mean by dumping ? What are the anti-dumping measures ? OR
Explain the agreement on the application of Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary measures.
(b) Trade related subsidy. Marks : 5 OR
Agriculture subsidy.

Q. No. 3. (a) Discuss the remedies suggested in the Vienna Convention on the International sale of goods in case of breach of contract. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the conditions upon which the contract is frustrated
(b) Export transaction. OR
Discuss the responsibilities of a seller under F.O.B. contract.

Q. No. 4. (a) State the legal problems of container transport. OR
Discuss various kinds of Marine Insurance
(b) The doctrine of strict compliance OR
Consignment note.

UNIT – V :
Q. No. 5. (a) Discuss the various factors effecting International investment. OR
Explain the types of Foreign Investment and mention the position of Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) in India
(b) Investment by NRI’s. OR
Foreign Collaboration and Investment Policy in India.

June 2013

Sixth Semester (3 Years) LL.B. Degree Examination,  :
UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Narrate the history of International Trade in India. Marks : 15 OR
What does “Bound” mean ? Explain the limitations on tariff bindings.
(b) Write note on : Marks : 5

Q. No. 2. (a) Define subsidy. Discuss different types of subsidies. Marks : 15 OR
Discuss the Uruguay Round Anti-Dumping code.
(b) Write note on : Marks : 5
Right to take Sanitary and Phyto sanitary measures.OR
Countervailing measures

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain the obligation of the seller in International sale transaction as adopted in the Vienna Convention on sale of goods. Marks : 15 OR
Discuss the rules relating to rejection of goods in contracts under International sale of goods.
(b) Write note on : Marks : 5
Suitable ship OR
Frustration of contract

Q. No. 4. (a) Discuss different kinds of letters of credit. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the international rules relating to Bill of Lading.
(b) Write note on : Marks : 5
Carriage by rail OR

UNIT – V :
Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the significance of Foreign Investment. Marks :15 OR
What is Foreign Direct Investment ? Examine the trends in the international capital flows ?
(b) Write a short note on; FII. Marks : 5 OR
Investment by Overseas Corporate Bodies.

Categories: Economics
Tags: kslu.ac.in
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