KSLU Law Of Evidence LL.B Question Paper : Karnataka State Law University

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LL.B (3 years)
Subject Code/Name : Law Of Evidence
Year : III
Semester : VI
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

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Jun-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4712.-0601.pdf
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Dec 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4712.-2d_0601.pdf
Dec 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4712.-bf_0601.pdf
Jun-2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4712.-0601-1001.pdf

KSLU Law Of Evidence Question Paper

Sixth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Degree Examination, June/July 2012
Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

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1. Answer all five Questions.
2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from each unit have to be attempted, which is referred as part (a) and (b) in all the units.

3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.


Q. No. 1. (a) What is evidence ? State different kinds of evidence. Marks : 15 OR
Define admission and point out the differences between admission and confession.

(b) ‘A’ is tried for the murder of ‘B’ by poisoning. Is the fact, that before the death of ‘B’, ‘A’ procured poison similar to that which was administered to ‘B’ relevant ? Marks : 5 OR

The question is whether a horse sold by ‘A’ to ‘B’ is sound. ‘A’ says to ‘B’ go and ask ‘C’, ‘C’ knows all about it. When asked by ‘B’, ‘C’ says that the horse is not sound. Is the statement made by ‘C’ admissable in evidence ?


Q. No. 2. (a) State the provisions of Indian Evidence Act relating to facts which need not be proved. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the circumstance in which judgements of court become relevant.

(b) ‘A’ is accused of theft. During the police custody he indicated the place where the stolen goods were hidden and the police recovered those goods. Can this information be used against ‘A’ ? Marks : 5 OR

The question is whether ‘A’ was the legitimate son of ‘B’ ? Is the fact ‘A’ was always treated as such by the members of the family relevant ?


Q. No. 3. (a) What do you mean by Secondary Evidence ? State the circumstances in which secondary evidence may be given. Marks : 15 OR
Define presumptions and explain presumptions as to ancient documents.

(b) Write a note on public documents. Marks : 5 OR
Write a note on Hearsay evidence.


Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the provisions of Indian Evidence Act relating to Burden of proof. Marks : 15 OR
Court may presume existence of certain facts. Discuss.

(b) ‘A’ has declared the value of goods as Rs. 500/- at the time of consignment. On loss of goods, he is claiming the value of goods much more than Rs. 500/-. Can he be allowed to take this stand ? Marks : 5 OR
Promissory Estoppel.


Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the provisions of Indian Evidence Act relating to competency of witnesses. Marks : 15 OR
What are leading questions ? When they can be asked ?

(b) ‘A’ a client says to ‘B’ an attorney “I have committed murder of ‘C’ and I wish you to defend me”. Can this communication be disclosed by an attorney ? Marks : 5 OR
Impeaching the credit of witness.

Sixth Semester of three Year LL.B. Degree Examination, June 2013 :
UNIT – I :
Q. No. 1. (a) Define and discuss fact, facts in issue and relevant fact. Marks : 15 OR
What is admission ? Who can make admissions ?

(b) Write a note on Doctrine of Res Gestae. Marks : 5 OR
The question is whether ‘A’ committed a crime at Calcutta on certain day. The fact that, on that day, ‘A’ was at Lahore. Is this fact relevant ?

Q. No. 2. (a) What is confession ? Whether confession made before police is admissable in evidence ? Marks : 15 OR
What is meant by dying declaration ? Explain its evidentiary value.

(b) The question is whether a given road is a public way or not. Does the statement by ‘A’ a deceased headman of the village that “The road was public”. Is this statement relevant ? Marks : 5 OR

‘A’ was called to police station for interrogation. During interrogation ‘A’ complained of severe stomach pain. He was taken to hospital in a police van, while in hospital, he confessed to a doctor that the committed robbery. Is the confession admissible ?

Categories: Law Studies
Tags: kslu.ac.in

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