Microprocessors & Microcontrollers B.Tech Question Paper : gecwyd.ac.in

Name of the College : Government Engineering College
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Year : May 2013
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : IV
Website : gecwyd.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pescemandya.org/4704-s4_cse_ns_may_2013.pdf

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers :

lV Semester B.Tech. Degree (Reg./Sup./lmp. – lncluding Part Time) Examination, May 2013
(2OA7 Admn. Onwards)

Related : Government Engineering College Electrical Engineering Drawing B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4702.html

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
PART – A :
Answer all questions :
1. Explain the functions of ALE. MN/MX , B H E and DEN signals of 8086 microprocessor.
2. Explain the following instructions of 8086 microprocessor:
i) AAM
ii) TEST
iii) SAHF
iv) XI-AT
v) RCH.
3. Explain the mode 1 operation of 8255.
4. Discuss the priorities of DMA request inputs of 8257.
5. Explain the physicaladdress formation in realaddress mode of 80386.
6. Explain the advantage of having separate code and data Cache in Pentium.
7. Explain the use of PWM timer in a microcontroller.
8. What do you mean by H windows ?
PART _ B :
9. Write an 8086 assembly language program to sort the given array of numbers in ascending order. The numbers are in the data segment. 15
With the help of a block diagram explain the internal architecture of 8086. With the help of a figure explain how 8259A can be connected in a system containing one master and eight slaves (maximum) to handle upto 64 priority levels and explain how interrupts is serviced in this system.
Draw and explain the interfacing of DMA controller 8257 with 8086 so that the channel0 DMA address register has an l/O address 80 H and mode set register has an address 88 H. lnitialize the 8257 with normal priority, TC stop and non-extended write. Auto load is not required. The transfer is to take place using channel 0. Write an assembly language program to move 2 kB of data from a peripheraldevice to memory address 2000 : 5000 H with the above initialization.
Draw and discuss the paging mechanism of 80386 in detail.
Draw and discuss the structures of the different descrlptors supported by 80386.
Draw and discuss the internal architecture of 80196.
16. i) Explain the different addressing mode supported by 80196.
ii) Draw and explain the minimum system configuration of 80196.

Humanities :
Part -A :
(Answer all questions)
1. Point out the verbs in the following and name their moods and tenses.
a) It has been raining all night.
b) Be good, sweet maid.
2. Insert articles where necessary.
a) How blue sky looks
b) Umbrella is of no avail against thunderstorm

3. Change the degree of comparison without changing the meaning.
a) The pen is mighter than sword.
b) Bombay mango is the best in India.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
a) The river flows the bridge.
b) Do not cry split milk.
5. Change the voice :
a) Why should I be suspected by you?
b) The doctor despaired of his recovery.

6. Change the degree of comparison, without changing the meaning.
a) ‘The Times’ is the most powerful newspapar in England.
b) Very few boys are so industrious as Agi.
7. Combine the following sentences to one simple sentence by using participles : The magician took pity on the mous.e. He turned it into a cat.
8. Punctuate the following : None of Tellegrand’s mots is more famous than this speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts.

9. Add question tags.
a) He is very strong, ?
b) This book is not good, ?
10. Report in indirect speech : “Cheer up, mother, I’ll go and get work somewhere,” said Jack. (10×2=20)

Part-B : (Answer any seven)
11.Mention the importance of patenting in the current scenario.
12.What are the different types of technical reports?
13.Distinguish between verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
14.Discuss the importance of humanities to education and society.
15.Explain the development of science and technology in ancient India.

16.What are the different technical communication skills?
17.Explain the recent developments in Indian space research.
18.Mention the factors to be considered during an interview.
19.Explain the need of a scientific temper.
20.Discuss the need of accuracy in technical communication. (7×5=35)

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