P08EC6A0 Programming in C++ B.E Model Question Paper : pescemandya.org

Name of the College : P.E.S College of Engineering
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code/Name : P08EC6A0/Programming in C++
Degree : B.E
Sem : VI
Website : pescemandya.org
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pescemandya.org/4687-ec_question%20paper.pdf

PES Programming in C++ Question Paper

Sixth Semester B.E Degree Examination :
Duration : 3 hrs
Max. Marks :100

Related : P.E.S College of Engineering Computer Programming B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4707.html

Note : Answer any FIVE full questions selecting at least Two questions from each part.
1. a. Explain the different data types supported in C++. Give examples. 07
b. What is reference? With example explain the different between pointer and reference. 06
c. With example explain vector container type 07

2. a. Discuss the following with example:
i) Increment and decrement operator.
ii)The bitwise operators. 08
b. Explain with the syntax, the components of the switch statement. Write a program in C++ to count the number of vowels in a given string using switch case statement. 12

3.a. What is preprocessor directives? What are the different types of preprocessor directives used in C++? Explain each with example. 10
b. What is function prototype? With example explain the different types of argument passing mechanisms. 10

4. a. What is the difference between class and object? Give example. 04
b. What is the different between constructor and destructor? Give example. 06
c. With example explain class object arrays and vectors. 10

5. a. What is inheritance? Give example 06
b. What is the difference between multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance? Give example. 06
c. With example explain public, private and protected inheritance. 08

6. a. What is operator overloading? Write a program to overload operator — 10
b. With example explain overloaded operator new and delete 10

7. a. What is exception handling. Write a program to thrown an exception when divided by zero is occurred. 10
b. With example explain exception specification. 10

8. a. With example explain the following:
i) friend function ii) friend class iii) static function. 12
b. What is this pointer? Give example. 08

Graph Theory & Combinatorics Question Paper :
l. a) Write short notes on multi graph, closed graph and loop free graph.
b) Prove that, for any undirected graph or multi graph G, the number of vertices of odd degree must be even.
c) Prove that if G = (V, E) is an undirected graph, then G is connected if and only if G has a spanning tree.

d) Write short notes on prefix code, full binary tree and complete binary tree. Give suitable examples for each.
e) Write notes on the rules of sum and product. Give examples for the same.
f) Define Binomial theorem.

g) Define generating functions. Give suitable examples.
h) Write short notes on non-homogeneous recurrence relations. (8×5=40)

ll. a) Explain in detail with suitable examples, isomorphic graphs and complete graphs. 10
b) Write notes on sub graph, spanning sub graph and induced sub graph. OR

c) Define Euler circuit an Euler trail. Prove that for an undirected graph or multi graph G = (V, E) with no isolated vertices, then G has a Euler circuit if and only if G is connected and every vertex of G has even degree. 11
d) Define Planar Graphs. Give examples. 4

a) Explain in detail with suitable examples, the Dijkstra’s shortest path Algorithm. 15 OR
b) Write short notes on Prim’s algorithm. Also prove the following : Let G = (V, E) be a loop-free weighted connected undirected graph. Any spanning tree for G that is obtained by Prim’s algorithm is optimal. 15

lV. a) Write short notes on permutations and combinations. Give examples for both. 10
b) Find out the number of possible 15 letter sequence allowed in the word ‘ALGORITHM’, if the repetitions of letters are allowed. 5 OR

c) Explain in detail the principles of Inclusion and Exclusion.
d) ln how many ways in which we can arrange 40 boys and 20 giris in 5 groups of 12 members each, so that each group contains at least one girl.

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