P08EC65 Design & Synthesis using Verilog HDL B.E Model Question Paper : pescemandya.org

Name of the College : P.E.S College of Engineering
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code/Name : P08EC65/Design & Synthesis using Verilog HDL
Degree : B.E
Sem : VI
Website : pescemandya.org
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pescemandya.org/4685-ec_question%20paper.pdf

Design & Synthesis using Verilog HDL :

Sixth Semester B.E Degree Examination :
Duration : 3 hrs
Max. Marks :100

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Note : Answer any FIVE full questions selecting at least Two questions from each part.
1.a) Explain the different system task with example. 08
b) Explain the hierarchical names with example. 07
c) What are the basic components of a module? Which components are mandatory? 05

2.a) Write a verilog code and stimulus for 4 bit ripple carry full adder. 08
b) Explain Rise ,fall and turnoff delays with example 06
c) Explain the different types of operator in verilog 06

3.a) Explain the blocking and non blocking assignment statements with examples. 07
b) Explain the timing controls constructs available in verilog with examples. 08
c) Write a verilog code for 4 bit counter. 05

4.a) Describe the difference between tasks and functions. 06
b) Define a function to calculate the factorial of a 4 bit numbers. The output is a 32 bit value. Invokes the function by using stimulus and check results. 06
c) Explain how to override paramete by using the defparm statement at the time of module Instantiation with example. 08

5.a) Explain the different types of Delay models with example. 09
b) Describe delay back annotation. Draw the flow diagram for delay back annotation. 05
c) Write a verilog code for 2 input CMOS nor gate. 06

6 a) List the User defined primitives (UDP) rules of verilog language. 06
b) Define the sequential and Combinational UDPs with examples 06
c) Explain how PLI routines are used in a verilog simulation 08

7.a) Define Logic synthesis and explain the benefits of logic synthesis. 05
b) Explain the design flow from RTL description to an gate level description. 10
c) Design sequential circuits using logic synthesis. 05

8.a) Explain the components of a traditional verification flow. 10
b) Describe different technique for effective simulation. 10

Programming in C++ Question Paper :
Sixth Semester B.E Degree Examination :
Duration : 3 hrs
Max. Marks :100
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions selecting at least Two questions from each part.

1. a. Explain the different data types supported in C++. Give examples. 07
b. What is reference? With example explain the different between pointer and reference. 06
c. With example explain vector container type 07

2. a. Discuss the following with example :
i) Increment and decrement operator.
ii)The bit wise operators. 08
b. Explain with the syntax, the components of the switch statement. Write a program in C++ to count the number of vowels in a given string using switch case statement. 12

3.a. What is preprocessor directives? What are the different types of preprocessor directives used in C++? Explain each with example. 10
b. What is function prototype? With example explain the different types of argument passing mechanisms. 10

4. a. What is the difference between class and object? Give example. 04
b. What is the different between constructor and destructor? Give example. 06
c. With example explain class object arrays and vectors. 10

5. a. What is inheritance? Give example 06
b. What is the difference between multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance? Give example. 06
c. With example explain public, private and protected inheritance. 08

6. a. What is operator overloading? Write a program to overload operator — 10
b. With example explain overloaded operator new and delete 10

7. a. What is exception handling. Write a program to thrown an exception when divided by zero is occurred. 10
b. With example explain exception specification. 10

8. a. With example explain the following :
i) friend function ii) friend class iii) static function. 12
b. What is this pointer? Give example. 08

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