P08EC64 Image Processing & Pattern Recognition B.E Model Question Paper : pescemandya.org

Name of the College : P.E.S College of Engineering
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code/Name : P08EC64/Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Degree : B.E
Sem : VI
Website : pescemandya.org
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pescemandya.org/4684-ec_question%20paper.pdf

PES Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Question

Sixth Semester B.E Degree Examination :
Duration : 3 hrs
Max. Marks :100

Related : P.E.S College of Engineering P08EC63 Microwave devices & Integrated Circuits B.E Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4683.html

Note : Answer any FIVE full questions selecting at least Two questions from each part.


1. a) What is digital image processing? Explain the fundamental steps in digital image processing. 08
b)Explain the various components of an image processing system. 08

c) Define the following terms.
i) Adjacency
ii) Connectivity
iii) Spatial resolution
iv) Gray level resolution 04

2. a) Explain the process of image sampling and quantization in digital image formation. 08
b) Discuss the role of brightness adaption curve in human vision system. 06
c) Discuss the significance of distance measures as applied to image processing 06

3. a) Explain some of the widely used gray level transformations. 06
b) What is an image histogram? Explain histogram equalization technique for image enhancement. 08

c) Perform histogram equalization of the image
4 4 4 4 4
3 4 5 4 3
3 5 5 5 3
3 4 5 4 3
4 4 4 4 4 06

4. a) Explain the basic steps for filtering in the frequency domain. 07
b) What is zero – phase shift filter? Explain their significance in image enhancement. 07
c) Write a short note on
i) Gaussian low pass filter
ii) Butterworth high pass filter. 06


5. a) Define the process of image restoration. Explain the order statistics filter for restoring images in the presence of noise. 10
b) Explain the following methods to estimate the degradation function used in image restoration.
i) Estimation by image observation.
ii) Estimation by experimentation.
iii) Estimation by mathematical modeling. 10

6. a) Explain the following color models:
i) RGB color model
ii) HSI color model 07
b) Explain the procedure in converting colors from RGB to HSI and vice-versa. 07
c) Write a note on pseudo color image processing. 06

7. a) List the applications of pattern recognition. 07
b) Discuss the importance of feature extraction for the classification of images. 07
c) Explain the following:
i) Feature vector
ii) Conditional probability
iii) Random variables. 06

8. a) What are the various types of distribution commonly employed in statistical decision making? 08
b) State and prove Baye’s theorem as applied to pattern recognition. 06
c) With an example, write a note on confusion matrices. 06

Antennas & Wave Propagation

Question Paper :
1. a) Define the following antenna terminologies.
i) Antenna field zones
ii) Effective height
iii) Effective Aperture 08

b) Determine the directivity of the following source.
i) u = um cos3
ii) u = um sin sin2 06
c) Determine the effective aperture and directivity of a linear ?/2 dipole Antenna. 06

2. a) Derive an expression for the resultant field of an array of N isotropic source and obtain the condition for operating it as
i) Broad side array
ii) End fire array 08

b) Explain the concept of principle of pattern multiplication with an example. 06
c) Obtain the field equation for a linear uniform array of 6 isotropic point sources spaced ?/2 distances apart. The power is applied with equal amplitude and in phase. Also find FNBW. 06

3. a) Derive an expression for the field components of a short dipole starting with expressions of electric potential and vector magnetic potential. Also determine the far field components. 12
b) Determine the radiation resistance of a ?/2 dipole. 08

4. a) Derive the expression for the field strength E ? and H ? in far field for small loop. 08
b) Explain Bobinet’s Principle with illustration. 05
c) Write note on patch or micro strip antenna. 07

5. a) Explain the following design parameters of a helical antenna.
i) Beam width
ii) Axial ratio
iii) Impedance 06

b) Design a yagi- uda Six element antenna for operation at 500 MHZ with folded dipole feed. What are the lengths of
i) Reflector element
ii) Driven element
iii) Four director element
iv) Between reflector and driven element
v) Between director element. 06
c) Explain the working of log periodic antenna. 08

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