Human Rights Law & Practice LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LL.B (3 years)
Subject Code/Name : Human Rights Law And Practice
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

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Jan-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4682-25_0402.pdf
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Dec-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4682-0f_0402-0802.pdf
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KSLU Human Rights Law & Practice Question

Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

June 2011 Question

Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, June 2011

Related / Similar Question Paper :
KSLU LLB Public International Law Question Paper

Instructions :
1. Answer all Questions.
2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from each unit have to be attempted.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.

UNIT – 1

Q. No. 1. a) Explain the origin and development of Human Rights. Marks : 15
Discuss the Theories of Human Rights.
b) Define Human Rights. Marks : 5
Universalisation of Human Rights.

UNIT – 2

Q. No. 2. a) “The provisions concerning Human Rights run throughout the U.N. Charter like a golden thread” Elucidate. Marks : 15 OR
Explain civil and political rights recognised under International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

b) Human Rights and Art 2(7) of U.N. Charter. Marks : 5 OR
U. N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

UNIT – 3

Q. No. 3. a) Explain the functions of European Commission and European Court of Human Rights. Marks : 15 OR
“A special feature of the African charter which distinguishes this regional convention from other regional conventions is the enumeration of duties in detail”. Analyse this statement along with defects in the African charter on Human Rights and peoples rights.

b) Inter American Court of Human Rights. Marks : 5 OR
African Commission of Human Rights.

UNIT – 4

Q. No. 4. a) “The framers of the Indian Constitution were influenced by the concept of human rights and guaranteed most of the human rights contained in the universal declaration of human rights”. Elucidiate. Marks : 15 OR
Discuss the constitution and functions of National Human Rights Commission.

b) Mr. Shyam a coolie working in Mumbai fell down from a running train and suffered serious head injuries. He was taken to various government hospitals but he was denied medical aid due to non availability of beds.

Later he was admitted to a Private hospital, where he had to spend Rs. 1 lakh for his treatment. He claims that amount from the government. Decide the liability of the government. Marks : 5 OR

Ramu was detained in jail under Preventive Detention Act. He wrote a scientific book in prison and sought the permission of the government to send it to wife for publication. Government refused permission to him. Is the stand of the government justifiable ? Give reasons.

UNIT – 5

Q. No. 5. a) State the obligation of the state parties to the convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the rights of the child guaranteed under the convention on the rights of the child.
b) National Commission for minorities. Marks : 5 OR
Rights of disabled persons.

June/July 2014 Question

Fourth Semester (3 Years) LL.B./VIII Semester (5 Years) B.A./B.B.A. LL.B. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 :


Q. No. 1. (a) What are the Human Rights ? Trace the origin and development of Human Rights. Marks : 15 OR
Explain different kinds of Human Rights.
(b) Write a note on Theories of Human Rights. Marks : 5 OR
Evolution of Human Rights.


Q. No. 2. (a) Bring out the relationship between the international covenant on civil and political rights and the international covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Marks : 15 OR
Explain the provisions of Human Rights under U.N. Charter.

(b) Write a note on U.D.H.R. 1948. Marks : OR
Commission on the status of women under Economic and Social Council.


Q. No. 3. (a) Explain the functions of American Commission and American Court of Human Rights. Marks : 15 OR
Discuss the human and people’s rights enshrined by the African Charter.
(b) Write a note on Rights and Freedoms under European convention. Marks : 5 OR
Jurisdiction of the European Court on Human Rights.

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Tags: kslu.ac.in
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