Criminal Law-II Criminal Procedure Code, JJ Act & Probation of Offender Act LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LL.B (3 years)
Subject Code/Name : Criminal Law-II Criminal Procedure Code, JJ Act & Probation of Offender Act
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : https://kslu.karnataka.gov.in/english

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KSLU Criminal Law-II Question Paper

Third Semester Three Year LL.B. Examination, January 2011
Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

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KSLU LLB Criminal Law-I Indian Penal Code Question Paper


1. Answer all five (5) questions.
2. Answer one essay type and one short note question or problem from each unit.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.


Q. No. 1. (a) Examine the procedure for recording First Information Report (FIR). Discuss the evidentiary value of FIR and the effect of delay in lodging the FIR. OR
State the circumstances under which the police officer can arrest a person without warrant. Marks : 15

(b) State the sentences which may be passed by the different courts having criminal jurisdiction under the code. OR
Explain the provisions of cr.p.c. relating to summary trials. Marks : 5


Q. No. 2. (a) Discuss the provisions relating to bail in non-bailable offences. OR
Explain the provisions of Cr.PC relating to proclamation and attachment Marks : 15

(b) ‘A’ is accused of a theft on one occasion and causing grievous hurt on another occasion. Can ‘A’ be charged and tried in one trial ? Give reasons. OR

A court of Judicial Magistrate of Firstclass issues a warrant of arrest directing the police to arrest the proprietor of a firm without mentioning the name or description of the proprietor. Is the warrant of arrest valid ? Give reasons. Marks : 5


Q. No. 3. (a) Examine the applicability of the principle of Double Jeopardy under Cr.PC. OR
Explain the scope of maintenance to wife, children and parents under Cr.PC. State the circumstances under which maintenance once granted could be altered. Marks : 15

(b) The Executive Magistrate initiates proceedings against two hostile groups under section 107 of Cr.PC. The hostile parties proceeded against are bound over in the same proceeding. Is exercise of power by the executive magistrate sustainable ? Decide giving reasons. OR

A case is committed to Judicial Magistrate of First class for trial by a Sessions Court under S-307 of Cr.PC which court has the jurisdiction and power that could tender pardon to the accused ? Decide giving reasons. Marks : 5


Q. No. 4. (a) Discuss the powers of the Supreme Court and High Courts to transfer cases and appeals. OR
Explain the provisions of Cr.PC relating to prosecution for defamation. Marks : 15

(b) ‘A’ carried on the trade of auctioning vegetables in a private house. Those persons who brought vegetables for sale kept their carts on the public road in a manner causing obstruction to road traffic.

The noise caused by auctioning the vegetable caused discomfort to the people living in the locality. The Executive Magistrate on receiving the information posses an order under S.133 of Cr.PC restraining ‘A’ from auctioning the vegetables. ‘A’ challenges order. Advice.

The workers of ‘A&B Company’ are members of two unions. As a result of differences between the two unions there has been public disturbances. Now to stop the public disturbancesthe district Magistrate promulgates an order under S-144 of crpc.

In said order of the District Magistrate prohibits assembly of 5 or more persons and shouting provocative slogans in certain specified areas. The order is to remain enforce for a period of 30 days. Is the order valid ? Give reasons. Marks : 5


Q. No. 5.(a) Discuss the formation and powers of Juvenile Justice Board. State when a Court may release offenders after admonition and on probation of good conduct. Marks : 15 OR

(b) Write short notes :
Constitution and powers of child welfare committee. OR
Procedure in case of offenders failing to observe the conditions of bond. Marks : 5

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