P08AU45 Computer Aided Machine Drawing B.E Model Question Paper : pescemandya.org

Name of the College : P.E.S College of Engineering
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Automobile Engineering
Year : June 2010
Degree : B.E
Sem : IV
Website : pescemandya.org
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pescemandya.org/4663-qp.pdf

Computer Aided Machine Drawing

Fourth Semester B.E, Automobile Engineering Degree Examination, June 2010
Model Question Paper :
Time: 3 hrs

Related : P.E.S College of Engineering P08AU46 Heat Transfer B.E Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4667.html

Max. Marks: 100
1. Answer any one question from each of the parts A, B, C.
2. Use FIRST ANGLE projection only.
3. Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.

4. All the calculation should be on answer sheet supplied.
5. All the dimensions are in mm.
6. Drawing instruments may or may not be used for sketching.

PART – A :
1. A cylinder 60mm diameter and 80mm long stands with its circular base on HP. A section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 60 degree to HP cuts the axis at a point 28mm below its top end. Draw sectional top and right views and true shape of the section. (20 Marks)

2. Figure 1. Shows a machine component. Draw the following views
a) Front view
b) Top view
c) Side view (20 Marks)

PART – B :
3. Draw the following views of a SOCKET and SPIGOT COTTER JOINT used for joining two rods of diameter 20mm:
a) Sectional front view
b) A view looking from socket end (20 Marks)

4. Draw the top view and sectional front view of single riveted but joint with double cover plates. The thickness of the plate is 9mm. show at least three rivets. Indicate all the dimensions. Use snap headed rivets and show all calculation on the answer sheet. (20 Marks)

PART – C :
5. Figure 2. Shows the details of screw jack. Assemble the parts and draw the following views:
a) An Assembled 3D View
b) Front view (2D) showing right half in section, and
c) top view (2D) (60 Marks)

6. Figure 3. Shows the details of an I. C. Engine Connecting rod. Assemble the parts and draw the following views. Dimension the drawings.
a) An Assembled 3D View
b) Front view (2D) with top half in section.
c) Top view (2D) (60 Marks)

Note to students:
ONE question to be answered from each of the parts A, B and C
PART-A shall contain TWO questions from unit I-V,
PART-B shall contain TWO questions from unit VI-IX,
PART-C shall contain TWO questions from unit X of the syllabus

Model Question Paper University Seat Number (USN) :
P.E.S.College Of Engineering, Mandya-571401.
(An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June-2011 :
Course with Code :Surface Finishing & Treatment (P08AU665)
Automobile Engineering :
Time : 3 hrs
Max.Marks : 100
Part-A :
1) a. Explain the mechanism of electroplating with suitable sketches. 10Mks
b. Explain with neat sketch Tin coating 10 Mks
2) a. Explain the C.V.D with suitable sketches and bring out salient features of the process. 10 Mks
b. Discuss the cathodic spultering as a vaccum coating method. 10 Mks

3) a. Give an aumt of different moisture spraying technique. 10 Mks
b. Explain phosphate crushing in detail. 10 Mks
4) a. Write an essay on alloy electro deposition. 10 Mks
b. With neat sketch explain the process and application of plasma coating. 10 Mks

Part-B :
5) Discuss the various metallurgical terms done on coatings. Include the precautions to be taken in your discussion. 20 Mks
6) a. List the various purposes of annealing & normalizing. 6 Mks
b. How is low tempering carried out? Describe the process. 6 Mks

c. Discuss the different flame hardening process. 12 Mks
7) a. Discuss the heat treatment of gears. 10 Mks
b. Discuss the heat treatment of cutting tools. 10 Mks

8) Answer any four :
i) Spherodising ii) Galvanising iii) Heat treatment of spindles iv) Vaccum coating v) Sub zero treatment vi) Mechanical properties of sprayed metals.

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