Criminal Law-I Indian Penal Code LL.B Question Paper : kslu.ac.in

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LL.B (3 years)
Department :
Subject Code/Name : Criminal Law-I Indian Penal Code
Year : First Year
Semester : 1
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : kslu.ac.in

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Jan-2011 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4656-58_0105.pdf
Jun-2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4656-0105.pdf
Dec-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4656-05_0105-0524.pdf
Jan-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4656-cd_0105.pdf
Jun-2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kslu.ac.in/4656-f5_0105-0524.pdf

KSLU Criminal Law-I Question Paper

First Semester of 3 Years LL.B. /Fifth Semester of 5 Years B.A. LL.B./ B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, June/July 2014
Indian Penal Code

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Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

June/July 2014 Question Paper

Instructions :
1. Answer all 5 Questions.
2. Figures to the right indicate marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.


Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss the factors responsible for variations in liability is criminal offence. Marks : 15
“The intent and the act must both concur to constitute crime”. Explain this statement with reference to Khandu’s case.

(b) Write a note on “wrongful gain and wrongful loss”. Marks : 5
Write a note on solitary confinement.


Q. No. 2. (a) What is private defence ? When does the right of private defence of the body extend to cause death ? Marks : 15
Who is an ‘abettor’ ? What is abetment of a thing ?

(b) Write a note on election offences. Marks : 5 OR
Distinguish ‘rioting from affray’.


Q. No. 3. (a) State the circumstances when culpable homicide does not amount to murder ? Marks : 15 OR
What is wrongful restraint ? Distinguish it from wrongful confinement.
(b) Distinguish hurt from grievous hurt. Marks : 5 OR
Write a note on criminal force and assault.


Q. No. 4. (a) What is Kidnapping ? Distinguish it from abduction. Marks : 15 OR
How do theft and extortion become robbery ?
(b) State briefly criminal misappropriation of property and criminal breachy trust. Marks : 5 OR
Write a note on cheating.


Q. No. 5. (a) Discuss criminal trespass. How does it differ from house breaking ? Refer to cases. Marks : 15 OR
What is defamation ? State the exceptions.
(b) Write a note on ‘Mischief’. Marks : 5 OR
State the ingredients of adultery.

January 2011 Question Paper

First Semester of 3 Year LL.B. Examination, January 2011 :
CRIMINAL LAW – I : Indian Penal Code (Course – V)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions :
1. Answer all 5 questions.
2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from each unit have to be attempted, which is referred as part (a) and (b) in all the units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely.


Q. No. 1. (a) What is mens rea ? State its significance in statutory offences. Marks : 15 OR
Explain possible parties to the crime. How the liabilities of parties Varies ?

(b) Solitary confinement. Marks : 5 OR
Define public servant.


Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the nature and extent of unsoundness of mind required to exempt a person from criminal liability. Refer to leading cases. Marks : 15 OR
What is giving false evidence ? Distinguish it from fabricating false evidence.

(b) Criminal conspiracy. Marks : 5 OR
A instigated B to murder D. B in pursuance of the instigation stabs D. D recovers from the wound. What is the liability of A ?


Q. No. 3. (a) What is hurt ? Explain the circumstances under which hurt becomes grievous hurt. Illustrate. Marks : 15 OR
What is force ? When does it becomes criminal force ?

(b) Causing miscarriage. Marks : 5 OR
A builds a wall across a path along which B has a right to pass, B is thereby prevented from passing. What is the offence committed by A ?


Q. No. 4. (a) What is kidnapping from lawful guardianship ? How does it differ from abduction ? Marks : 15 OR
Define theft. When does theft becomes robbery ?

(b) Unnatural offence. Marks : 5 OR
Hindustan Transport Company is entrusted by ‘A’ with property to be carried by land. The carrier company dishonestly mis-used the property. What is the offence that carrier company committed ?


Q. No. 5. (a) Explain forgery. When a person is said to have made a false document ? Marks : 15 OR
Define adultery. When does the second marriage becomes an offence ?

(b) Define defamation. Marks : 5 OR
Attempt to commit offence.

Categories: Law Studies
Tags: kslu.ac.in

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