Professional Communication B.Pharm Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : BPH106/Professional Communication
Sem : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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Professional Communication :

Subject Code: BPH106
Paper ID: 0671107

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I B.Pharm Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4638.html

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) What are the eight parts of the speech? Define any two.
b) Explain the contents of a letter.

c) What is the importance of eye contact and voice modulation in a presentation?
d) Write 50 words on the topic “There should be no reservation for women in politics.”
e) What is personality? Describe the determinant factors of personality.

f) What is non-verbal communication? Explain in brief the two major types of non-verbal communication.
g) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb, in its appropriate tense.
i) The earth…… round the sun.
ii) I …… him only one letter up to now.
iii) He…….. a mill in this town.
h) What is motivation? Explain needs and wants in motivation

2. Write a Precis of the following: (12)
Over – eating is one of the most wonderful practices among those who think they can afford it. In fact, authorities say that nearly all who can get as much as they desire, over – eat to their disadvantage.

This class of people should save a great more food than they can save by missing one meal per week and at the same time they would improve their health. A heavy meal at night, the so – called dinner is the fashion with many and often it is taken shortly before retiring.

It is unnecessary and could be forgone, not only once a week but daily without loss of strength. From three to five hours are needed to digest food. While sleeping, this food not being required to give energy for work, is in many cases converted into excess fat, giving rise to excess-weight.

The evening meal should be light taken three or four hours before retiring. This prevents over eating conserves energy and reduces the cost of food.

3. Elaborate on the relationship of personality and human behaviour.
Explain the trait Theory and Self concept Theory of personality. (12)
4. Convert the following sentences from passive to active voice. (12)
a) by whom was this done?
b) The wounded man was being helped by some boys.

c) The wall is being built by the mason.
d) The work will be finished by him in a fortnight.
e) Why was such a letter written by your brother?
f) The gate was opened by the peon.

5. After successfully finishing your B.Pharm program you have gained admission into the M.Pharma program at the University of Delhi.

You are required to submit a migration certificate from TMU from where you have done your B.Phar. Write a letter to the Registrar of TMU requesting for a migration letter to be issued to you. (12)

6. Fill in the blanks: (6+6=12)
a) with suitable prepositions.
i) The dog ran ……. the road.
ii) I am fond ……. Music.
iii) He has not yet recovered ……..his illness.
iv) I have not seen him ……. Wednesday night.
v) I am sorry …. what I have done.
vi) God is good ….. me.

b) with articles (a, an, or the):
i) …… able man has not always a distinguished look.
ii) Hones men speak …… truth.
iii) He returned after ……. hour.
iv) You are …….fool to say that.
v) Let us discuss…….. matter seriously.
vi) Man, thou art………wonderful animal.

7. Describe the tips to make a presentation effective. (12)
8. What are the various factors responsible for attitude formation? How can these factors be controlled?

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Tags: tmu.ac.in
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