Oral and Dental Anatomy & Histology BDS Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre
Degree : BDS
Subject Code/Name : BDS – 103/Oral and Dental Anatomy & Histology
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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TMU Oral & Dental Anatomy Question Paper

Subject Code: BDS – 103
Paper ID:0311103

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre General Human Physiology & Biochemistry BDS Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4620.html

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all questions from Part A & Part B. Each Part Carry 35 Marks. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer. 2. Use separate answer book for Part A and Part B.

Part ‘A’

1. Define eruption. Enumerate the theories of eruption and explain the most accepted theory in detail. (8)
2. Write the chronology and describe the morphology of occlusal surface of permanent maxillary 1st molar in detail. (8)
3. Write briefly on (3×3=9)
a) Leeway Space of Nance.
b) Principle fibres of periodontal ligament.
c) Functions of saliva.

4. Multiple choice questions: (2×5=10)
a) Lines of retzius is due to, except
i) Variation in organic structure
ii) Disturbances in rhythm of mineralization
iii) Intermitteat alteration of rods course.
iv) These darker areas have very low organic content.

b) The portion of tooth that is exposed in the mouth is known as the
i) Natural crown ii) Anatomical crown
iii) Clinical crown iv) Exposed crown

c) The smallest cusp of the maxillary permanent first molar excluding cusp of carabelli, is the
i) Mesiolingnal cusp ii) Distolingnal cusp
iii) Meiobuccal cusp iv) Distobuccal cusp

d) Dentinal tubules contain
i) Nerve fiber terminal. ii) Collagea fiber.
iii) Odontoblastic process iv) All of the above

e) Weil’s zone in pulp organ is
i) Cell free zone. ii) Cell rich zone.
iii) neurovascular zone. iv) Odontoblostic zone

Part ‘B’

1. Define and classify Oral Mucous membrane? Write in detail about masticatory mucosa? (8)
2. Write in detail about the age changes of dentin. Add a note on dentinal hypersensitivity. (8)
3. Write briefly on (3×3=9)
a) Cellular cementum v/s Accllular cementum.
b) Enamel spindeles
c) Papillae of the tongue

4. Write the correct answer of the following (2×5=10) multiple choice questions
a) According to FDI numbering system the permanent mandibular left second premolar is
i) 2 ii) 17
iii) 35 iv) 18

b) The position of maximum inter cuspation of upper and lower teeth is referred to as
i) Centric position ii) Centric occlusion
iii) Centric relation iv) Centric bite.

c) Which of the following ducts arise from secretary end pieces of salivary
i) Striated ducts ii) Inter celated
iii) Excretory ducts iv) Interlobular ducts

d) Merkel cells are likely to be found in which of the following tissues
i) Periosteum ii) Lamiva Propria.
iii) Epithelium iv) Submucosa

e) Ossification of mandible starts in which of the following reginons
i) Alveolar process ii) Mental foramen
iii) Condyle iv) Coronoid process

Subject Code:BDS – 103 Paper ID:0311103
Oral and Dental Anatomy & Histology
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all questions from Part A & Part B. Each Part Carry 35 Marks. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer. 2. Use separate answer book for Part A and Part B.

Part ‘A’ :
1. Define and classify oral mucosa. Write in detail about the different layers of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. (8)
2. Classify salivary glands. Write in detail about the histology of parotid gland. (8)
3. Write briefly on (3×3=9)
a) Age changes of pulp.
b) Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth.
c) Late Bell Stage.

4. Multiple choice questions: (2×5=10)
a) During production of enamel which of the following parts of enamel organ disappears.
i) Inner enamel Epithelium.
ii) Outer enamel epithelium
iii) Reduced enamel epiphelium.
iv) Stellate Reticulum.

b) Which of the following Histologic features of enamel is apparently due to an optical phenomenon?
i) Enamel tufts ii) Enamel spindles
iii) Cross striations iv) Hunter schreger bands

c) Which of the following is the last succadenous tooth to erupt?
i) Maxillary canine
ii) Mandibular canine
iii) Maxillary 1st premolar
iv) Mandibular 2nd premolar

d) The histology of enamel may be best observed using which of the following methods of slide preparation.
i) H & E stain
ii) PAS satin.
iv) Ground section
v) Exfotiative cytology.

e) The calcium ions present in saliva are most likely to play a role in which of the following function of saliva.
i) Antibacterial
ii) Buffering.
iii) Protection.
iv) Digestion.

Part ‘B’ :
1. Write in detail about the hypocalcified structures of enamel. (8)
2. Describe various stages of development of tooth. (8)
3. Write briefly on (3×3=9)
a) Inter globular Dentin
b) Fixation
c) Ridges and fossae.

4. Write the correct answer of the following multiple choice questions- (2×5=10)
a) Stratum Intermedium of non keratinized epithelium is synonymous to
i) Straterm Granulosun ii) Straterm Spinoium
iii) Straterm Basole iv) Straterm Corneum

b) The tongue papilla which are least in number.
i) Fungiform ii) Circumvallate
iii) Filliform iv) None of the above.

c) Osteoclasts are rich in
i) Acid phosphatase ii) Alkaline phosphatase
iii) Peroxidose iv) Dehydrogenose

d) The cementoblasts are derived from
i) Enamel organ ii) Epithaelial boot sheath.
iii) Dental papilla iv) Dental Sac

e) Parasympathetic innervation to parotid glands is from which gaglion.
i) Geniculate ii) Otic
iii) Trigeminel iv) Gasserian

Categories: Medical
Tags: tmu.ac.in

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