General Human Physiology & Biochemistry BDS Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre
Degree : BDS
Subject Code/Name : BDS102/General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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2008-2009 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/tmu.ac.in/4620-1-oldquestionBds200809.pdf
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General Human Physiology & Biochemistry :

Subject Code:BDS102
Paper ID:0311102

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre General Human Anatomy BDS Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4615.html

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Note:1. Attempt all questions from Part A and Part B. Each Part Carry 35 Marks. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer. 2. Use separate answer book for Part A and Part B.
Part ‘A’ :
1. What are the compositions and functions of gastric juice? Discuss the mechanism of secretion and regulation of gastric juice. (5+3=8)
2. How Oxygen is transported in blood? Write about the factors which affect the shift of oxygen-Hb dissociation curve. (5+3=8)

3. Write short notes on (3×3=9)
a) Functions of saliva
b) Sequence of events in neuromuscular-transmission
c) Hemolytic disease of new born.

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Clinically normal RBC count is:-
i) 5 million/cumm
ii) 6 million / cumm
iii) 12 million / cumm
iv) 10 Lakh /cumm

b) Maximum pressure achieved by left ventricle in a cardiac cycle (m.m Hg):-
i) 100 ii) 120
iii) 150 iv) 200

c) Aldosterone:-
i) Is formed in kidney
ii) Increases Na+ Excretion
iii) Increases K+ reabsorption
iv) Is formed in adrenal gland

d) Hormone responsible for milk ejection:
i) Oxytocin ii) Estrogen
iii) Prolactin iv) Relaxin

e) The structure responsible for colur vision is:
i) Rods ii) Cones
ii) Both iv) None

Part ‘B’ :
1. Discuss glycolysis and Krebs cycle. (8)
2. How are fatty acyl CoA derivatives transported to Mitochondria? Explain the reactions of -oxidation of fatty acid. What is the yield of ATP from the complete oxidation of a molecule of palmitic acid? (8)

3. Write short notes on: (3×3=9)
a) Glycogen synthesis
b) Active Transport
c) Deficiency and toxic manifestation of fluoride

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Diabetes mellitus is due to the defect in the action of:-
i) Insulin ii) Glucagon iii) Anti diuretic hormone iv) Thyroid hormone
b) Maltose is a disaccharide comprising of:-
i) Glucose and Galactose ii) Glucose and Glucose
iii) Glucose and Fructose iv) Xylose and Ribose
c) 4- Epiner of D-Glucose is:
i) L-Glucose ii) -Glucose
iii) D-Galactose iv) D-Mannose
d) Vitamin D mimics the action of :
i) Parathormone ii) Calcitonin
iii) Glucagon iv) Growth hormone
e) The disease pellagra is due to a deficiency of:-
i) Vitamin B6 ii) Biotin
iii) Folic acid iv) Niacin

Subject Code:BDS102
Paper ID:0311102
General Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Note:1. Attempt all questions from Part A and Part B. Each Part Carry 35 Marks. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer. 2. Use separate answer book for Part A and Part B.
Part ‘A’ :
1. Define Blood Pressure. Give its normal value. Describe regulation of B.P. (1+1+6=8)
2. What are compositions and functions of gastric juice? Discuss the mechanism of secretion and regulation of gastric juice. (3+5=8)
3. Write short notes on (3×3=9)
a) List Functions of Hypothalamus
b) Hypoxia
c) Active transport

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen is influenced by following factors except:-
i) H+ ii) Temperature
iii) None iv) 2,3 DPG

b) Atrophy of gastric mucosa produces:-
i) Hyperacidity ii) Indigestion
iii) Gas formation iv) Pernicious Anaemia

c) Dyspnoea is:-
i) Normal Breathing at rest ii) Difficulty in breathing
iii) Stoppage of breathing iv) Painful breathing

d) Which sensation is not transmitted by dorsal column:
i) Pain ii) Fine touch
iii) Pressure iv) Vibrations

e) Diabetes Mellitus occurs due to:-
i) Insulin excess ii) Insulin deficiency
iii) Thyroxine deficiency iv) ADH deficiency

Part ‘B’ :
1. Describe transcription in prokaryotes. Draw a diagram. (8)
2. Explain the factor affecting enzyme activity. (8)
3. Write short notes on: (3×3=9)
a) Dietary fibres
b) BMR
c) Glycolysis

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Diabetes insipidus is due to the defect in the action of:-
i) Insulin
ii) Glucagon
iii) Anti diuretic hormone
iv) Thyroid hormone

b) The disease Beri Beri is due to deficiency of:-
i) Thiamine ii) Riboflavin
iii) Niacin iv) Pyridoxine

c) Hormone containing iodine is:
i) TSH ii) Thyroid hormone
iii) Insulin iv) Glucagon

d) The mitochondrial electron transport chain carriers are located:-
i) in the inner mitochondrial membrane
ii) in the mitochondrial matrix
iii) in the inter membrane space
iv) in the outer mitochondrial membrane

e) – oxidation of falty acids occurs in?
i) Lysosomes ii) Peroxicomes
iii) Mitochondria iv) Cytosol

Categories: Medical
Tags: tmu.ac.in
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