General Human Anatomy BDS Question Paper : tmu.ac.in

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre
Degree : BDS
Subject Code/Name : BDS101/General Human Anatomy
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : tmu.ac.in

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2008-2009 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/tmu.ac.in/4615-1-oldquestionBds200809.pdf
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General Human Anatomy :

Subject Code:BDS101
Paper ID:0311101

Related : Uttarakhand Open University Basics of Anatomy M.Sc Medical Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4609.html

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 70
Note:1. Attempt all questions from Part A and Part B. Each Part Carry 35 Marks. Draw proper diagrams to support your answer. 2. Use separate answer book for Part A and Part B.
Part ‘A’

1. Describe the Parotid gland under the following heading: (8)
a) Gross features
b) Relations
c) Vascular and Nerve supply
d) Applied anatomy
2. Describe the anatomy of the tongue and correlates its development with nerve supply. (8)

3. Write short notes on (3×3=9)
a) Palatine Tonsil
b) Sensory nerve supply of the face
c) Pharyngeal arches

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Name the largest paranasal sinus present in the body :
i) Frontal sinus ii) Maxillary sinus
iii) Sphenoidal sinus iv) Ethmoidal sinus
b) Name the muscle responsible for smiling :
i) Platysma ii) Zygomaticus major
iii) Buccinator iv) Zygomaticus minor

c) At what age anterior fontanelle, which is present in foetal skull as membranous gap ossifies :
i) 2 years ii) 8 months iii) 16 months iv) 18 months
d) How many bones are present in the skull:
i) 14 ii) 28 iii) 22 iv) 32
e) All of the following muscles are grouped together as ‘muscles of mastication’ except:-
i) Buccinator ii) Masseter ii) Temporalis iv) Pterygoids

Part ‘B’ :
1. Describe the course, branches, distribution and applied anatomy of the facial nerve. (8)
2. Describe the cerebellum in detail. (8)
3. Write short notes on: (3×3=9)
a) Corpus Callossum
b) CSF Circulation
c) Development of Tooth

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Stenson’s duct drains:-
i) The parotid salivary gland
ii) The submandibular salivary gland
iii) The sublingual salivary gland
iv) The pancreas

b) Stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by:-
i) Pharyngeal plexus
ii) Facial nerve
iii) Glossopharyngeal nerve
iv) Vagus nerve

c) Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal swellings results in the production of
i) Oblique facial cleft
ii) Median facial cleft of upper lip
iii) Lateral cleft of upper lip
iv) Macrostomia

d) The superior meatus of the nose contains the opening of:-
i) Anterior ethmoidal air cells
ii) Middle ethmoidal air cells
iii) Posterior ethmoidal air cells
iv) Frontal air cells

e) The function of superior rectus muscle:-
i) Intorsion, adduction
ii) Abduction, elevation
iii) Elevation
iv) Depression

Part ‘A’ :
1. Describe the Thyroid gland under the followings headings : (8)
a) Gross features
b) Relations
c) Vascular and Nerve supply
d) Applied anatomy

2. Discuss the temporo-mandibular joint in detail. (8)
3. Write short notes on (3×3=9)
a) Styloid Process
b) Anatomy of Tooth.
c) Submandibular ganglion.

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) The parotid duct pierces which of the following muscles prior to entry into the oral cavity :
i) Medial pterygoid ii) Buccinator
iii) Mylohyoid iv) Masseter
b) The incisive foramen is associated with which of the following nerve:-
i) Nasopalatine ii) Mental iii) Inferior alveolar iv) Lesser petrosal nerve
c) Mandibular teeth are vascularized by branches of which of the following arteries:-
i) Labial ii) Lingual iii) Facial iv) Maxillary

d) Anterior 2/3 of tongue arises from:
i) Hyoid arch
ii) Hypobranchial eminence
iii) Mandibular arch
iv) Styloid arch

e) Main arterial supply of tonsil is from:-
i) Tonsillar branch of facial artery
ii) Tonsillar branch from internal maxillary artery
iii) Tonsillar branch from lingual artery
iv) Tonsillar branch from superior thyroid artery

Part ‘B’ :
1. Describe the course, branches, distribution and applied anatomy of the trigeminal nerve. (8)
2. Describe the muscles of mastication. (8)

3. Write short notes on: (3×3=9)
a) Carotid sheath
b) External features and functional areas of cerebral cortex
c) Down’s Syndrome.

4. Choose the correct answer for each question. (2×5=10)
a) Wharton’s duct drains:-
i) The parotid salivary gland
ii) The submandibular salivary gland
iii) The sublingual salivary gland
iv) The pancreas

b) Damage to the facial nerve within the parotid gland may cause:-
i) Spasm of the muscles of mastication
ii) Drooping of the lips
iii) Deviation of the tongue to the affected side
iv) Partial anesthesia of the cheek on the affected side

c) Which of the following nerve exits the cranium through the foramen ovale:-
i) Opthalmic
ii) Maxillary
iii) Glossopharyngeal
iv) Mandibular

d) The inferior meatus of the nose contains the opening of:-
i) Anterior ethmoidal air cells
ii) Nasolacrimal duct
iii) Maxillary air cells
iv) Frontal air cells

e) The communicating vein responsible for spread infection from the dangerous area of the face:-
i) Superior ophthalmic Vein
ii) Inferior Ophthalmic Vein
iii) Maxillary Vein
iv) Lingual Vein

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