PS01 Basis of political science B.A Question Bank : uou.ac.in

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : Political Science
Subject Code/Name : PS01 Basis of political science
Year : II
Document Type : Old Question Papers
Website : uou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/uou.ac.in/4446.-PS-01.pdf

UOU Basis of Political Science Question Paper

B.A- 10 (Bachelor of Art)
Second Year, Examination 2012
Note- The Question paper is divided into three section A,B,and C .

Related : Uttarakhand Open University PS06 Contemporary international relation B.A Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4498.html

(Long Answer Question)

December 2012

Note- Answer any two question.Each Question carries 15 marks.
1. Discuss the differences Traditional and Modern political science.
2. “Political science are vulgar when not liberalized by history fades into mere literature of it loses sight of its relation to Political Science”.Discuss.
3. Define Democracy and examine its merits and demerits.
4. Write the role and importance of the political party.

(Short Answer Question)
Note- Answer any four question.Each Question carries 5 marks.

1. Discuss the causes of rise of Behaviouralism.
2. Write any three characteristics of Justice.
3.Discuss the meaning of Democracy and write its definitions.
4. What is the meaning of franchise.
5. Write a note on demerits of dictatorship.
6. What is the importance of political parties in democracy.
7. Are you in favour of Socialism. Give any two reasons.
8. Explain the importance of Liberalism.

(Objective Question)
Note- Answer all questions.Each Question carries 1 mark.

Write True/False against the following :
1.Economic conditions decides the structure of government. True/False
2. India is a liberal democratic state. True/False
3. ‘The ruling class’ was written by Parreto. True/False
4. In India Representatives of Lok Sabha are not elected by direct Electoral system. True/False
5. Pressure groups are like political parties. True/False

Choose the correct alternative
6. ‘It is better to be wrong than vague’ it was believed by-
A. Pluralistic
B. Behavioralistic
C. Post Behavioralistic
D. Liberalistic

7. Where was Social Science Research Council constituted
A. America
B. India
C. Russia
D. Japan

8.Who said ‘socialism, in short is like a hat that has lost its shape.
A. T.H. Green
B. C.E.M. Joad
C. Barker
D. J.S.Gill

9. Who among the following is not a liberalism Thinker
A. Karl Marx
B. John Locke
C. Bentham
D. Adam Smith

10. Party system is necessary –
A. For Democracy
B. For Monarchy
C. For Oligarchy
D. For Dictatorship

May 2015

First Year Examination-2015 :
PS- 01 Foundation of Political Science :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Note : This paper is of sixty (60) marks divided into three (03) sections A, B, and C. Attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein.
Section – A : (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘A’ contains four (04) long-answer-type questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are required to answer any two (02) questions only. (2×15=30)
1. Discuss the Nature of Behavioural Post behavioural Political science.
2. Describe the traditional scope of political science.
3. What do you understand by Democracy? Discuss the merits and Demetrits of the Democracy.
4. What is surplus value Theory of Marx.

Section – B : (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘B’ contains eight (08) short-answer-type questions of five (05) marks each. Learners are required to answer any four (04) questions only. (4×5=20)
1. Write a short note on the nature of modern Political Science.
2. Write any three characteristris of Justice.
3. Discuss the various aspects of Democracy.
4. What do you mean by political development.
5. Write a note on demerits of dictatorship.
6. What is the importance of political parties in democracy.
7. Write the characteristics of Pressure Groups.
8. Give any four merits of socialism.

Section – C : (Objective Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘C’ contains ten (10) objective-type questions of one (01) mark each. All the questions of this section are compulsory. (10×1=10)
Choose the correct alternative.
1. Socialism is related to which group.
(a) Capitalist (b) Labour
(c) Soldiers (d) Producer

2. Which option is not adapted by Pressure Groups.
(a) Seminar (b) Propaganda
(c) Lobbing (d) Participation in Election

3. Main work of political parties.
(a) Making of public opinion (b) To organise
(c) Propaganda (d) To educate

4. ‘Democracy’ has been derived from the word ‘Demos’ word from.
(a) Roman Language (b) Latin Language
(c) Greek Language (d) None of the above

Categories: Political Science
Tags: uou.ac.in
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