EEG04 English for Practical Purposes B.A Question Bank : uou.ac.in

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject Code/Name : EEG04 English for Practical Purposes
Year : II
Document Type : Old Question Papers
Website : uou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/uou.ac.in/4435.-EEG-04.pdf

English for Practical Purposes :

B.A. – 10 Second Year Examination 2012
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks:60

Related : Uttarakhand Open University BEGE108 Reading the Novel B.A Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4437.html

The Question Paper is divided into three Sections, A, B and C. Follow the instructions given at the beginning of each section.
Section A
(Long-Answer Questions)
Note : Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks. 2×15 = 30
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks. 2×15 = 30
1. Discuss the salient features of technical writing.
2. Select a topic of your own choice and list the relevant pieces of information. Analyse your list and prepare an outline for oral presentation.

3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow :
After the Second World War, an uncertain peace had descended on Europe. Each country was trying to organise its resources. One could well say that it was the start of a New World.

The world leaders started looking at building economic cooperation across countries as a key to everlasting peace. In the year 1952, France, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg got together to form European Coal and Steel Community.

I. What was the first event that led to the introduction of Euro?
II. Who were the people that floated the idea of Euro?
III. How many countries had joined the European Community by 1991? List them in order in which they joined.

IV. What was the main idea behind the formation of European Coal and Steel Community?
V. Why was the pulling down of the Berlin Wall so important?

4. Write a reply to the following letter :
Apollo Industries
H-30 Annadurai Marg
Mana Mallai,
Chennai – 600 031
10th May, 20012.

The Manager,
Moti Plastics,
12, Najafgarh Road
Delhi – 110 011

Sir, I am writing to inform you that our Sales Representative Mr. Mukul Deb will be visiting your factory on 26th May 2012 around 10 a.m. Kindly confirm if this is convenient to you.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
(Anurag Mehta) Assistant Manager

Section B : (Short-Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks. 4×5= 20
1. What is the difference between a proposal and a progress report?

2. As an administrative warden of Ganga hostel, you have noticed that some of your students residing in this hostel take drink in the night. Also, you have received many complaints from other students. Write a directive memo in this regard.

3. The following letters were exchanged between two firms. Explain the function of each letter and arrange them in proper sequence
a. Letter intimating supply of goods
b. Letter placing an order
c. Letter requesting a catalogue/Price list to be sent
d. Letter of acceptance of order
e. Letter giving specific quotation

4. List the main features of a report.
5. What are circular letters?
6. What is a business presentation?

7. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘not only ____ but also_____’ construction
a. Lister washed all his instruments in carbolic acid and sprayed it into the atmosphere.
b. German surgeons understood the importance of Lister’s methods. They adopted them immediately.

c. The patients contracted fatal infection and fell prey to death.
d. Lister carried out important work on inflammation and studied the behaviour of the blood during that process.
e. Lister soaked in a solution of carbolic acid the hands of the surgeons and his assistants, and all the instruments to be used for the operation.

8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles :
How do you get noticed when you’re working as part of ……… team, and are expected to blend seamlessly with ……… rest? Says Price Waterhouse’s Anand: “You can’t be part of ……… and not accept ownership for ……… team’s decision and work-practices unless it has to do with something ethical. Instead of frittering away energy making ……… point, and being seen as disruptive, it is better to state it once and move ahead.

Section C : Objective Questions (Compulsory)
Answer all questions. Each question carries 01 mark. 10×1 = 10
Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative :
1. Soldiers must …….. orders. (may / must)
2. Advertisements help give wide publicity to many new consumer …….. . (goods / products)
3. The electronic media …….. a lot of money through advertisements. (earns / spends)
4. Advertisements often …….. the good features of a product. (invent / exaggerate)
5. …….. is the noun derived from the verb ‘publish’.
6. …….. is the noun derived from the verb ‘introduce’.

The statements in the following four questions form a single sentence. Fill in the blanks using the simple past or past perfect tense of the given verbs :
7. When I …….. (reach) the office
8. I …….. (find) that
9. somebody …….. (break) into our office
10. and …….. (steal) all the computers.

Categories: English
Tags: uou.ac.in
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