BC12 Elements of Financial Management B.Com Question Bank : uou.ac.in

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : B.Com
Subject Code/Name : BC12 Elements of Financial Management
Year : II
Document Type : Old Question Papers
Website : uou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/uou.ac.in/4399.-BC-12.pdf

Elements of Financial Management :

B.Com.10 (Bachelor of Commerce)
Second Year Examination 2012
Time : 3 Hours

Related : Uttarakhand Open University BC11 Economic Policy And Rural Development Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4400.html

Maximum Marks: 60
: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. Attempt questions of each section according to given instructions.
Long Answer Questions
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 Marks. 2×15=30
Q1. Define finance function. Discuss the nature and scope of finance function.
Q2. What is the essential of a sound dividend Policy? Explain the various types of dividend.
Q3. Balance Sheet of Sunita & Company Ltd. at at the end of March 2009 is as follows

4. A project costs Rs. 100000 and has scrap value of Rs 20000. Its stream of income
before depreciation and taxes during the first year through five year is Rs. 20000, Rs
24000, Rs. 28000, Rs. 32000 and Rs. 40000. Assume 50% tax rate and depreciation
on straight line basis. Calculate the rate for the project.

Section-B : Short Answer Questions
Answer any Four Questions. Each answer should not exceed 250 words. Each Question carries 5 marks.
Q1. Explain the importance of leverage.
Q2. Explain the working Capital as per Qualitative approach
Q3. Write a note on Cost-Volume profit Analysis.
Q4. What is meant by Financial Management
Q5. Define the term ‘trading on equity’.
Q6. What is the importance of inventory management for a business?
Q7. What is Pay-back period method of Capital budgeting?
Q8. Explain the terms ‘Funds’ and ‘Flow of Fund’.

Section-C : Objective Questions (Compulsory)
Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
Fill in the Blanks :
Q1. At break Even Point, the contributin will be equal to…………………………..
Q2. The word ‘Fund means the difference of ……………………………and…………………………
Q3. Purchase of plant will ……………………………in working capital.
Q4. Goodwill is a ………………………………… transacting.
Q5. Capital Budgeting is also known as investment decision making and ………………………..

Write True/False against the following :
Q6. BEP is the point at which total revenue is equal to total cost.
Q7. Contributin is always equal to fixed cost
Q8. A ratio is a munerical relation of one number divided into the other
Q9. Sales and cost of goods sold is one and the same.
Q10. Ideal current Ratio is 2:1

Second Year, Examination-2015 :
BC – 12 Element of Financial Management :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Note : This paper is of sixty (60) marks divided into three (03) sections A, B, and C. Attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein.

Section – A :
Note : Section ‘A’ contains four (04) long-answer-type questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are required to answer any two (02) questions only. (2×15=30)
1. Explain the importance of working capital. How will you estimate the working capital requirement of a company? Discuss briefly.

2. Company manager is considering three projects which are not all mutually connected and any of them can independently be selected. The company has necessary funds but cannot take up more than one project. The overall cost of the capital of the company is 10% and expected cash flows from the projects are given below

3. What do you understand by the analysis of financial statements? Explain its various techniques.
4. What are the internal and external sources that can be taped by a business concern to meet its financial requirements? Explain.

Section – B : (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘B’ contains eight (08) short-answer-type questions of five (05) marks each. Learners are required to answer any four (04) questions only. (4×5=20)
Briefly discuss any four of the following :
1. Difference between Funds flow and Cash flow statement.

2. The Net Sales of Apex Co. are Rs 15crores. The EBIT of the company as a percentage of sales is 12%. The capital employed of the company comprises of Rs. 5 Crores of Equity, Rs. 1 Crore of 13% preference Shares and Rs.3 Crores of 15% Debt capital. The company’s profit is subject to tax at 40% Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) for the company.

3. Capital Budgeting.
4. Objectives of credit policy of a firm.
5. Objectives of Inventory management.
6. Dividend Payout Ratio.
7. Importance of financial forecasting.
8. Compute break-even-point (in units) from the following information.

Categories: Commerce
Tags: uou.ac.in
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