BBA404 Business Research Methods B.B.A Question Bank : uou.ac.in

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : B.B.A
Subject Code/Name : BBA404 Business Research Methods
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Old Question Papers
Website : uou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/uou.ac.in/4375.-BBA-404.pdf

UOU Business Research Methods Question Paper

Semester-4, Examination 2012
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 60

Related : Uttarakhand Open University BBA403 Business Laws Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4372.html

Section A

(Long Answer Questions)
Note : Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks

Q.1 Briefly explain the different types of research with examples.
Q.2 What is the relevance of measurement in research? What are the different types of measurement scales?
Q.3 Enlist the series of steps necessary to effectively carry out research & explain in the desired sequence of these steps.
Q.4 Explain detailed layout of a research report.

Section B

Short Answer Questions
Note : Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 mark 4 X 5=20

Q.1 Enlist the various differences between Questionnaire and Schedule.
Q.2 Discuss the various merits and demerits of Telephonic Interview technique of data collection.
Q.3 Discuss Completely Randomized Design.

Q.4 Define the following;
i. Census survey ii. Sampling error iii. Sample iv. Bias
Q.5 The procedure required right from defining of the population to the actual selection of sample is known as Sampling process. Discuss.

Q.6 What are the various decisions to be taken while preparing a Questionnaire?
Q.7 Write short notes on : i. Before and after with control design ii. Latin square design
Q.8 What are the various considerations to be kept in mind while designing a Mail- Questionnaire?

Section C

Objective Questions
Note : Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 10X1=10
Fill in the Blanks :
Q.1 A ………………………………… is an arrangement of conditions for collection & analysis of data in the manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
a. Sample design
b. Research design
c. Both
d. None of these

Q.2 Phenomenon which can take on different quantitative values even in decimals are known as…………………..
a. Continues Variable
b. Quantitative variable
c. Discrete variable
d. None of these

Q.3 Research in which the independent variable is manipulated is termed as………………
a. Diagnostic research
b. Non experimental Hypothesis testing
c. Experimental hypothesis testing research
d. None of these

Q.4 Latin Square design is basically used in……………………….. research.
a. Agricultural
b. Social
c. Legal
d. None of these

Q.5 All the items under consideration in any field of inquiry constitute a……………………
a. Sample
b. Population
c. Units
d. Items

Write True/False against the following :
Q.6 Survey based on a Convenience sampling may not be useful if the respondents are not representative of the population.
Q.7 Data primarily taken by the researcher from news paper is primary data.
Q.8 Universe can be finite as well as infinite.

Q.9 Mechanical Observation being made through mechanical devices is free from subjective biasness.
Q.10 Open ended questions don’t give the respondent complete freedom of deciding the content of the answer.

Fourth Semester Examination-2015 :
BBA-404 Business Research Methods :
Section – A : (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘A’ contains four (04) long-answer-type questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are required to answer any two (02) questions only. (2×15=30)
1. Compute and interpret the value of ‘F ratio’ for the following data (level of significance = 0.05)
2. Compute t-value for the following data and interpret the value (level of significance = 0.05):
X 30 25 33 19 20 18 26 27 18 12 14 22
Y 28 26 19 15 20 11 20 13

3. Differentiate between probability and non probability sampling. Describe the various types of non-probability sampling. Explain the significance of non-probability sampling.
4. What is measurement? Explain. Differentiate between measurement and evaluation. Describe the ‘Scales (levels) of Measurement’ with appropriate examples.

Section – B : (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘B’ contains eight (08) short-answer-type questions of five (05) marks each. Learners are required to answer any four (04) questions only. (4×5=20)
1. What is level of significance? Explain.
2. Differentiate between primary and secondary data.
3. Describe the characteristics of hypothesis.

4. Explain Systematic Random Sampling with example.
5. Differentiate between Parameter and Statistics.
6. Write a short note on ‘Binomial Distribution’.
7. Write a short note on ‘Rating Scale’.
8. Describe in brief the major types of validity.

Categories: Business Studies
Tags: uou.ac.in

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