MBOSE Class X Health & Physical Education Sample Question Paper 2024-25 Meghalaya

Organisation : Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE)
Class Name : SSLC (X)
Subject : Health & Physical Education
Download : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2024-25
Website : https://www.mbose.in/download-details/sample-question-paper-class-x-new-2024-251724403288

MBOSE Class X Health & Physical Education Sample Question Paper

Multiple Choice Questions: Attempt ALL Questions. (30 X 1 = 30 marks)

Related / Similar Question Paper : MBOSE Class X Science Sample Question Paper 2024-25 Meghalaya

1. The aspect of maturity which helps you to have an attractive and charming personality.
(A) Physical maturity
(B) Intellectual maturity
(C) Emotional maturity
(D) Social maturity

2. Chronological maturity is important for which of the following?
(A) Getting the right to vote
(B) Inheriting property
(C) Obtaining a Driving License.
(D) All of the above

3. Striking changes take place in the body during
(A) Infancy
(B) Adulthood
(C) Adolescent
(D) Childhood

4. Husband and wife should share same__________
(A) Interests
(B) Religion
(C) Skills
(D) Language

5. Another name for white blood cell is
(A) Antigens
(B) Phagocytes
(C) Antibodies
(D) Leucocytes

6. A person is susceptible to diseases if he is
(A) In poor health
(B) Under nourished
(C) With severe physical and mental strain
(D) All of the above

7. Violent reactions like asthma, migraine, eczema and skin rashes are symptoms of
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Malaria
(C) Leprosy
(D) An allergic reaction

8. Every year in India, Children who die of diseases that could be prevented with vaccine is
(A) 2 lakhs
(B) 3 lakhs
(C) 4 lakhs
(D) 5 lakhs

9. Each block comprises of about
(A) 10 villages
(B) 100 villages
(C) 1000 villages
(D) 5000 villages

10. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare consists of
(A) Two departments
(B) Three departments
(C) Four departments
(D) Five departments

11. Which is a non-communicable disease?
(A) Measles
(B) Diphtheria
(C) Cholera
(D) Diabetes

12. The first country in the world to launch Family Planning as an official programme is
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Russia

13. The market, the consumer needs to know how to choose products
(A) Rashly
(B) Intelligently
(C) Quickly
(D) None of the above

14. Early concepts of medicine and surgery was set out in the
(A) Atharvaveda
(B) Rigveda
(C) Yajurveda
(D) Ayurveda

15. The Government has enacted ________ to protect the consumer from cheats
(A) Customs
(B) Legislation
(C) Constitution
(D) Principles

16. Which is the most prevalent system of medicine all over the world?
(A) Allopathy
(B) Naturopathy
(C) Homeopathy
(D) Ayurveda

17. Penicillin was discovered by
(A) Marie Curie
(B) Alexander Fleming
(C) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
(D) Edward Jenner

18. Which of the following symptoms need immediate medical attention?
(A) Chest pain
(B) Blackout
(C) Nausea
(D) All of the above

19. Name the drugs which are used only in medical research
(A) Hallucinogens
(B) Narcotics
(C) Depressants
(D) Stimulants

20. Name the alcohol which deadly poisonous and causes blindness and even death
(A) Ethanol alcohol
(B) Methyl alcohol
(C) Isopropyl alcohol
(D) None of the above

21. The headquarter of the World Health Organisation is in
(A) Geneva
(B) New Delhi
(C) Rome
(D) New York

22. The main aim of the UNICEF is to provide humanitarian and development assistance to
(A) children alone
(B) mothers alone
(C) children and mothers
(D) children and parents

23. One of the objectives of FAO is to improve production and distribution of all food and agricultural products from
(A) Farms
(B) Forests
(C) Fisheries
(D) All of the above

24. World Health Day is celebrated on
(A) 6th April
(B) 7th April
(C) 7th May
(D) 6th May

25. Genital warts can be treated by
(A) Anti-biotics
(B) Liquid Hydrogen
(C) Cryotherapy
(D) None of the above

26. HIV can be transmitted from the mother to her baby
(A) During pregnancy
(B) Labour and delivery
(C) Breastfeeding
(D) All of the above

27. The most common STI
(A) Syphylis
(B) Chlamydia
(C) Genital Warts

28. Drug addicts who inject the drugs intravenously are a
(A) High risk group
(B) Medium risk group
(C) Low risk group
(D) No risk group

29. Mosquitoes do not spread
(A) Malaria
(B) Filariasis
(C) Dengue

30. Cooling the area with ice or cold water or bathing in a salt bath can relieve symptoms of
(A) Genital warts
(B) Gonorrhea
(C) Genital herpes
(D) Syphylis.

Very Short Answer Questions: Answer any 6 (six):
31. What do you understand by human development?
32. Growth is controlled by many factors. Name them.
33. What are antigens? How do they function?
34. What is natural immunity?
35. What is self-medication?
36. What is quarantine?
37. What is the chief objective of international health organizations?
38. What is infection?
39. What is a caesarean section?

Short Answer Questions: Answer any 6 (six):
40. Why is chronological maturity important?
41. What must we know in order to prevent diseases?
42. What is meant by the term “Consumer Education”?
43. Define medical quackery.
44. What are the three objectives of the FAO?
45. Define life skills according to the World Health Organisation.
46. Write any three cultural practices that promote health.
47. Mention any three major achievements of the Directorate General of Health Services.
48. What are the three steps to be followed to ensure that HIV is not transmitted through sexual contact?

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