Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : II PU
Subject : Education
Download : Model Question Paper 2025
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KSEAB II PU Education Model Question Paper
I. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer:
Related / Similar Question Paper : KSEAB II PU Information Technology Model Question Paper 2025
1. A logical and systematic of thinking is
a) Sensation
b) Reasoning
c) Past Experience
d) Problem Solving
2. The term ‘Creativity’ derived from
a) Creare
b) Care
c) Compare
d) Compose
3. Which Disability does dysgraphia Show?
a) Reading
b) Mental
c) Arithmetic
d) Writing
4. The Process of coordinating the activities of members of an institution for seeking common goals
a) Organisation
b) Controlling
c) Plan
d) Staffing
5. Lakshmi, a student studying in 9th standard, speaks fluently on global warming at United Nation’s forum and gets appreciated by all. Then, on which skill she has achieved mastery?
a) Technical Skills
b) Leadership skills
c) Communication skills
d) Vocational Skills
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable word given in the brackets:
(Smart Class, March 8, Genes, Quality, December 10, Kurt Levin)
6. The real determinants of heredity are______
7. International Human Rights Day is on ______
8. Classroom equipped with multimedia components_____
9. The founder of action research_____
10. _______is fit for customer’s use.
III. Match the following:
11. A B
a) Master Gland – 1. Mentally Challengers
b) Lack of Attention – 2. Thyroid
c) Article 21/A of the Constitution – 3. Receiver
d) Decoder in Communication is – 4. Pituitary
e) Weather forecasting – 5. Education is a fundamental right
– 6. Super Computer
IV. Answer the following questions in a word or sentence each:
12. Write the meaning of creative thinking.
13. What is individual difference?
14. Write the full form of TQM
15. State the concept of educational research.
16. What is the method of systematic arrangement of classified data in columns and rows with title?
V. Answer any TEN of the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each:
17. Mention the two differences between sensation and perception
18. If 12 years old child is having the mental age of 12 years, calculate his IQ.
19. What is Approach-Approach Conflict? Give an example.
20. Write down the two characteristics of children with orthopedic challenges.
21. State the level of visual acuity of children with visual challenges.
22. Write the two importance of children’s rights.
23. Write down the two importance of management in education.
24. State the two merits of oral communication.
25. Name any two skills of communication.
26. What is input devices of computer? Give an example.
27. State two limitations of e-mail.
28. Mention the concept of fundamental research.
29. What is hypothesis? Give an example.
VI. Answer any SIX of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each:
30. Explain the process of concept formation with a diagram.
31. List the differences between the traditional and inclusive approaches.
32. Explain any five strategies for women empowerment.
33. Explain the positive effects of globalization on education.
34. Describe the management skills of Daniel Katz through a diagram.
35. What are the educational functions of NAAC?
36. Explain the physical barriers to effective communication.
37. Explain the uses of computers in enhancing the quality of education
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