KSEAB II PU Economics Model Question Paper 2025 Karnataka

Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : II PU
Subject : Economics
Download : Model Question Paper 2025
Website : https://dpue-exam.karnataka.gov.in/ModelQp2025/frmkmpdamodelpapers

KSEAB II PU Economics Model Question Paper

Choose the correct answer (Each question carries 1 mark):

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1. Traditionally, the subject matter of economics has been studied under the following broadbranches.
(a) Micro and Macro Economics
(b) Positive and Normative Economics
(c) Deductive and Inductive
(d) Socialistic and Capitalistic economy

2. Ordinal utility analysis expresses utility in
(a) Numbers
(b) Returns
(c) Ranks
(d) Awards

3. ‘All the laborer’s who are ready to work will find employment and all the factories will be working at their full capacity’, this school of thought is known as
(a) Modern thought
(b) Contemporary thought
(c) Classical thought
(d) Neo-Classical thought

4. The value of GDP at the current prevailing prices is
(a) Real GDP
(b) GDP at factor cost
(c) Nominal GDP
(d) NDP

5. The tax which acts as an automatic stabilizer
(a) Qualitative income tax
(b) Income Tax
(c) Quantitative tax
(d) Proportional income tax

Fill in the blanks by choosing correct answer from the bracket:
(Inventory, Supply, Production Units, Right, Perfect competition, Variable)

6. As income increases, the demand curve for normal goods shifts towards____________
7. In the long run all inputs are _________
8. Price taking behavior is the single most distinguishing characteristic of ________market.
9. _________will be called as firms.
10. ____________is a stock variable.

Answer the following questions in a sentence or a word:
12. What is Normative economic analysis?
13. What is Demand?
14. Give the meaning of imports.
15. Expand CPI.
16. What do you mean by Open economy?

Answer any Six of the following in 4 sentences each:
17. What is monotonic preference?
18. Mention the types of returns to scale.
19. Mention the two determinants of a firm’s supply curve.
20. Give the meaning of price elasticity of supply and write its formula.
21. What are the features of capitalistic economy?
22. What is the difference between consumer goods and capital goods?
23. Mention 3 methods of measuring GDP (National income).
24. Mention the two motives of demand for money.
25. Write the meaning of excess demand and deficient demand.
26. Mention the three linkages of open economy.

Answer any five of the following questions in 12 sentences each:
27. Discuss how the Family Farm, Weaver and Teacher can use their resources to fulfilltheir needs in a simple economy.
28. Present the derivation of slope of the budget line.
29. Identify the differences between substitutes and complements.
30. Write about the concept of Price Floor.
31. Illustrate unplanned accumulation and decumulation with an example.
32. Briefly explain the functions of RBI.
33. Briefly explain the revenue deficit and fiscal deficit.
34. Draw the chart of components of capital account.
35. Write the merits and demerits of flexible and fixed exchange rate system.

VII. Answer any three of the following questions in 20 sentences each:
36. Explain the optimal choice of consumer with the help of diagram.
37. Explain the various short run costs.
38. Explain the market equilibrium with the fixed number of firms with the help of diagram.
39. Write down some of the limitations of using GDP as an index of welfare of acountry.
40. Analyse the effect of autonomous change in aggregate demand on income andoutput

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