HR2306 Industrial Relations M.B.A Question Bank : uou.ac.in

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : M.B.A
Department : Human Resource Management
Subject Code/Name : HR-2306 Industrial Relations
Year : IV
Semester : II
Document Type : Old Question Papers
Website : uou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/uou.ac.in/4313.-HR-2306.pdf

UOU Industrial Relations Question Paper

MBA-10/PGDHRM-10 (Master of Business Administration/P.G Diploma in Human Resource Management)
Fourth/Second Semester, Examination 2012

Related : Uttarakhand Open University HR2305 Managing Interpersonal & Group Processes M.B.A Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4314.html

Time : 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
: This paper is of Sixty (60) marks containing three (03) sections, learners are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein.

Section A

(Long Answer Type Question)
Note : This section contains four (4) long answers Question of fifteen

Q 1. What are the characteristics of India Labour and how has that changed over the time?
Q 2. Give a brief outline of the evolution of Industrial Relations in India.
Q 3. What is the role of the government in maintaining good industrial relations?
Q 4. What are the laws enacted to address the issues of industrial dispute and conflicts among workers and unions?

Section B

(Short answer type Questions) 4*5=20
Note : This section contains (08) eight short type answer questions of
(05) five marks each. Learners are required to answer (04) four

Q 1. What are the problems faced by trade unions in India-
Q 2. What are the causes of Industrial conflicts-
Q 3. What do you understand by recognition of trade unions-
Q 4. Write a note on standing orders.
Q 5. What is the relevance of code of discipline-
Q 6. What is worker’s participation in management and how is it put into practice?
Q 7. What is the international body that regulates issues of labour and how does it function?
Q 8. How do you see the role of trade unions in the globalised economic scenario?

Section C

(Objective-Type Questions)
Note : This section contains 10 (Ten) objective type Questions of one
(01) mark each. All the questions of this section are compulsory. State whether the followings statements are True and False:
Q 1. Arbitration is less expensive than other procedures.
Q 2. In collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take by both the parties.
Q 3. Indiscipline means a strict and technical observance of rigid rules and regulations.
Q 4. The workforce of a KPO firm is required to posses analytical skills so as to derive meaning from the raw data.
Q 5.The Industrial Dispute Act was enacted in the year 1927.

Indicate the correct answers :
Q 6. Which of the followings have a belief that only the host country’s people can understand their culture and behavior better than the others?
(A) Ethnocentrism
(B) Polycentrism
(C) Geocentrism
(D) Regiocentrism

Q 7. The detailed provisions regarding Unfair Labour Practices have been given in which of the followings schedules under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
(A) Schedule I and II
(B) Schedule III
(C) Schedule IV
(D) Schedule V

Q 8. Which of the followings is a technique of involving employees in their work through the process of inclusion?
(A) Employee Empowerment
(B) Buzz Groups
(C) Collective Bargaining
(D) Adjudication

Q 9. Among the following, which alternative is not a type of bargaining?
(A) Conjunctive Bargaining
(B)Cooperative Bargaining
(C) Productivity Bargaining
(D) Synergy Bargaining

Q 10. The Industrial Disputes (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1956 introduces a_________for industrial adjunction.
(A) Three-Tier system
(B) Two Tier System
(C) Single –Tier System
(D)Multiple-Tier System

IVth Sem./IInd Sem., Examination-2015 :
HR-2306 Industrial Relations :
Section – A : (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘A’ contains four (04) long-answer-type questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are required to answer any two (02) questions only. (2×15=30)
1. What is meant by industrial relations? Explain the nature and scope of industrial relations system in India?
2. Discuss the principles and functions of trade unions. List the principal trade unions working in India.
3. Discuss the characteristics and importance of collective bargaining? What is the role of collective bargaining in the management of Industry?
4. Describe the steps undertaken by the International Labour Organization towards the safety, health and welfare of workers.

Categories: HR Management
Tags: uou.ac.in

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