himachalservices.nic.in NMMS Exam Previous Year Question Paper : National Means cum Merit Scholarship Himachal Pradesh

Organisation : HP State Council of Educational Research and Training Himachal Pradesh
Exam Name : National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) Exam
Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper
Year : 2021
Website : https://himachalservices.nic.in/scert/en-IN/nmms.html

HP State NMMS Exam Previous Year Question Paper

Q1. Name the disease caused due to the deficiency of both proteins and carbohydrates.
I ) Kwashiorkar
2) Rickets
3) Malnutrition
4) Marasmus

Q2. Sperm has. ….. Part/Parts.
1) One part
2) Two Parts
3) Three Parts
4) Four Parts

Q3. Name the master gland in human body.
1) Pineal gland
2) Pituitary gland
3) Thyroid gland
4) Adrenal gland

Q4· Plant and animals produce acid name that acid.
1) Inorganic Acids
2) Mineral Acids
3) Organic Acid
4) Acetic Acid

Q5. Roughage helps in ……. . .
1) Protecting our body from diseases
2) Movement of bowel
3) Providing energy
4) Building and repair of various parts of body.

Q6. The ribs move down and inwards … .. … .
1) During Exhalation
2) During Inhalation
3) During Respiration
4) During Reproduction

Q7. Larynx IS called ………… ..
1) Match Box
2) Voice Box
3) Power House
4) Toy Box

Q8. Root hair helps to ………………. .
(l) Increase the surface area of root for absorption of water
(2) Increase the surface area of root for absorption of minerals
(3) Decrease the surface area of root for absorption of water and minerals
(4) Both (I ) and (2)

Q9. Pick out the odd-one option on the basi s of respiratory organs.
1) Snake
2) Grow
3) Tadople
4) Goat

Q10. Nitrogen fixation occurs due to….. .
1) Green House Effect
2) Acid Rain
3) Earthing
4) lightning

Q11. The metal which is nut corroded by air, water and acid is ……………. .
1) Copper
2) Gold
3) Alumminium
4) Zinc

Q12. What is the Chemical Formula of Quick Lime?
1) CaO
2) CaCO3
3) Ca(OH)2
4) CaCl2

Q13. Diamond and graphite are………
1) Allotropes
2) isolopes
3) Isomers
4) Isomorphous

Q14. Which one of the following waves are used by the common TV remote control?
1) Radio Waves
2) Lasers
3) Infrared Waves
4) Ultrasonic Waves

Q15. Device used for measuring atmospheric Pressure is ……
1) Barometer
2) Odometer
3) Thermometer
4) Speedometer

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xvii. The candidate must bring with him / her Hard Card Board, blue or black ball point pen to the examination hall on the day of NMMSS Examination- 2024.
xviii. The candidate must reach the allotted examination centre one hour before the commencement of the examination.

Download Question Paper

Previous Year Question Paper – SAT, 2021 https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pdf2024/42876-s.pdf
Previous Year Question Paper – MAT, 2021 https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pdf2024/42876-m.pdf

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