Management-Principles And Practices M.B.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.B.A
Department : Management
Subject Code/Name : Management-Principles And Practices
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4277.-M.B.A%20%28COMMON%29%20%282013%20-%2014%20Academic%20Year%20&%202014%20Calender%20Year.pdf

Alagappa University Management-Principles Question

Answer any FIVE questions.
1. What are the levels of management-
2. Explain the principles of decision-making.
3. State the limitations of planning.

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4. What are the factors influencing degree of delegation-
5. What does leadership mean- And discuss the nature of leadership.

6. Discuss the importance of control.
7. Define Balanced Score Card. Explain its uses.
8. What are the barriers to Communication-
9. Describe the way the control process works.
10. Explain Maslow’s theory of motivation.
11. Explain different types of leaders.
12. Explain the concept of line and staff organization and discuss its relative merits and demerits.
13. Discuss the different styles of decision making.
14. Explain the elements of scientific management.
15. Discuss the Business Process Reengineering.

Organisational Behaviour

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A : (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Write a brief note on :
(a) Locus of control and
(b) Machiavellianism.
2. What do you mean by perceptual selectivity? What are the factors which influence perceptual selectivity?
3. What is group dynamics? Why is it important for understanding organisational behaviour?
4. What is power? How is it different from authority and leadership?
5. What can organisations do to reduce stress?
6. Why does intergroup conflict arise? What are its consequences?
7. What do you mean by organisational culture? How does it differ from organisational climate?
8. What is resistance to change? Why do people resist change in their organisation?

Section B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Define personality and examine the major factors which shape the personality of an individual.
10. Why do people need informal organisation? What are its characteristics? How does informal organisation affect the functioning of formal organisation?
11. What are the characteristics of an effective team? Discuss the factors which determine team effectiveness.
12. Explain the various causes of stress and discuss the ways in which people may overcome the negative consequences of stress.
13. What are the different approaches of measuring organisational effectiveness? Explain.
14. ‘‘Management is a change agent’’ – Discuss. Identify the roles of change agents in organisational change.
15. What do you understand by OD interventions? How can they be classified? Explain.

Managerial Economics

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Explain nature of managerial economics.
2. Explain uses of managerial economics.
3. What are the factors determining price elasticity of demand?
4. Explain cross elasticity of demand.
5. Write short note on :
(a) Fixed and variable costs
(b) Short run and long run costs.
6. Discuss the profit maximization concept.
7. Elaborate the price discount and price differentials.
8. Discuss the factors causes of inflation and deflation.

Section B : (4 × 15 = 60 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Discuss the relationship between economic theory and managerial economics.
10. Explain the determinants of demand.
11. Explain the economics and diseconomics of scale.
12. Explain the diagrammatic exposition theory of price discrimination.
13. Explain the techniques of investment analysis.
14. What is mean by balance of payment and discuss the trend and its implications in managerial economics?
15. How do measure the national income with the sectoral wise? Discuss.

Research Methods

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Define research. Explain its features.
2. Discuss the objectives of social research.
3. What are the characteristics of good hypothesis?
4. Briefly discuss the limitations of sampling.
5. Distinguish between questionnaire and schedule.
6. Explain the factors affecting the size of the sample.
7. Write a detailed note on ‘‘classification of data’’.
8. What are the principles of a good research report?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Briefly describe the different types of research.
10. Discuss the uses of social science research.
11. Explain the process of identification of a research problem.
12. Explain the various methods of sampling.
13. Discuss the process of interpretation of test results.
14. Describe the main types of interviews.
15. Explain the contents of a research report.

Categories: Management Studies

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