Principles Of Education Management M.B.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.B.A
Department : Educational Management
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Education Management
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4272.-M.B.A.%28EM%29%20Upto%202012%20-13%20Academic%20Year%20&%202013%20Calender%20Year.pdf

Principles Of Education Management :

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Alagappa University Principles Of Bank Management M.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4260.html

Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Define the term ‘Educational Administration’.
2. What are the different types of educational plans-
3. Discuss the role of state and central government bodies in
4. Bring out the meaning and significance of decision making.
5. Define ‘motivation’. What are its types-
6. Write down the different principles of effective communication.
7. Comment on ‘Techniques of Co-ordination’.
8. Bring out the relationship between TQM and Educational Administration.
9. Discuss the role of educational management as art or
10. What is meant by MBO in education- Explain in detail.
11. Critically analyse the association between delegation Vs
12. Explain the different qualities of a good educational leader.
13. Suggest effective strategies for motivating the employees
14. How would you promote co-ordination in educational institution-
15. Compare and contrast quality control and quality assurance.

M.B.A.(Education Management) DEGREE EXAMINATION,
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Explain the Scope and Objectives of Education.
2. Describe the impact of Hinduism on Indian Education.
3. Explain the contribution of Motessori to School Education
4. Describe the relationship between education and sociology.
5. Explain the efforts taken by the Government to provide
6. Explain the role of education in maintaining global peace.
7. How does education contribute to the process of socialization-
8. What is pragmatism and how it relates to education-
9. Explain the Meaning and scope of Philosophy of Education.
10. Discuss the contributions of John Deway to Education.
11. Describe how education impacts family and society.
12. Discuss the role of education in Women Empowerment.
13. Elucidate the provisions of SC/ST reservation in
14. Education contributes to modernization – Debate.
15. Explain how education helps in social mobility.

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

1. Explain the environmental factors that are to be managed in education system.
2. What is the need for ‘Environment Education’ in the curriculum of education?
3. Define social environment. What is the role of educational institutions in bringing up positive impacts of social environment on educational system?
4. Write in detail the latest fundamental right included in our constitution.
5. Common University Act – Discuss.
6. What are the ‘Technological Obsolescence’ in education system? How to manage them?
7. State the importance of campus tranquility and dynamism.
8. Write a short note on ‘demographic trend and cultural factors on education’.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Compare the existing situation in India and abroad with regard to the interactions between Industry and Education.
10. Elucidate the importance of values and ethics in education management.
11. Cost of education in India – Discuss.
12. What is ‘Technology in Education Management’? Elaborate the impact of technology on education system, streams and thrust course.
13. Critically analyse ‘GATS : Articles of WTO’.
14. What are the provisions given in the constitution for development of education in India? Analyse any four provisions and state their positive impact on education system of today.
15. Write in detail the positive as well as the negative features that exist in relations management among different Stake-holders in education system.

M.B.A. (Em) Degree Examination, May 2014 :
First Semester :
Office Management :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. What are the important functions of office in educational institution?
2. What are the essential qualities of office manager?
3. Elucidate the salient features of organization charts
4. State the principles of office procedure
5. Define indexing and explain the various types of indexing
6. Write short note on mechanication of office work
7. How will you prepare the minutes for a meeting?
8. What are the steps involved

Categories: Management Studies
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