Paediatrics MBBS Question Bank : college.rrmch.org

Name of the College: RajaRajeshwari Medical College & Hospital
University : Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Degree : MBBS
Subject Name : Paediatrics
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : college.rrmch.org

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Jan 2008 to Dec 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/college.rrmch.org/4271-UG-Pediatrics-QP-Jan2008-Dec-2013.pdf

Paediatrics :

M.B.B.S. PHASE III (Part-II) Degree Examination – January 2008
PAEDIATRICS (Revised Scheme)
QP Code: 1067

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Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. :
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. :
LONGESSAY : 2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Define growth and development. Discuss various factors affecting growth and mention various methods of growth monitoring
2. What are the causes of respiratory distress in a neonate? Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and treatment of hyaline membrane disease
3. What are the advantages of breast-feeding?
4. Define Infant Mortality Rate and discuss the factors affecting it
5. Describe the clinical and radiological features of rickets
6. Treatment of cerebral malaria
7. What are the complications of measles?
8. Exchange transfusion
9. Treatment of snakebite in children
10. Enumerate the clinical features of Down’s syndrome
11. Treatment of cyanotic spell
12. Treatment of status epilepticus in children
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
SHORTANSWERS :10 X 3 = 30 Marks
13. List three indications of corticosteroids in children
14. Name three autosomal dominant disorders
15. Mention the essential criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever
16. CSFfindings in pyogenic meningitis
17. What are the contra indications of bag and mask ventilation during neonatal resuscitation?
18. Characteristics of pleural fluid in transudative pleural effusion
19. What are the indications for phototherapy in neonatal jaundice?
20. Hepatitis B immunization schedule
21. Composition of WHO’ORS’
22. Urine examination in nephrotic syndrome

1. Classify congenital heart diseases.
1 X 10 = 10 Marks
2. Physiological jaundice of new born
3. Causesand treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children
4. Interpretation of tuberculin test
5. Portal hypertension in children
6. Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance
Describe the clinical presentatio:and management of patent (j)
7. Urine analysis findings in nephritic syndrome
8. Dosage of ~~racetamol
9. Define precocious puberty
10. Composition of oral rehydration solution
11. Daily requirements of vitamin A
5 X 2 = 10 Marks

PAEDIATRICS : (RevisedScheme)
QP Code: 1067
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. :
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. :
2 X 10 = 20 Marks
What are the predisposing factors of acute glomerulonephritis? Enumerate the nephritogenic strains of streptococci. Discuss complications and management of acute nephritis
What are the etiological factors? Discuss the classification and management
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
Discuss management of a child with rheumatic cardttts
Complications of pyogenic meningitis
Management of staphylococcal pneumonia
Kawasaki disease
Wilson disease
Cyanotic spells
Exchange transfusion
Portal hypertension
Complications of measles
Fouchet’s test
CSFfindings in TB meningitis
Assessment of dehydration
Management of acute severe asthma
Whispering Pectoriloquy
Wilms tumor
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Etiology of bronchiectasis
Hepatitis B vacci ne

Paediatrics (Revised Scheme) :
QP Code : 1067
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay :
1. What is the Etiology of acute bronchiolitis? Discuss the clinical features, complications and management of Bronchiolitis
2. A two year old child presented with hepatosplenomegaly, severe anemia and bleeding manifestations. Discuss the differential diagnosis and investigations to come to a diaqnosis. Outline the management of acute lymphatic leukemia

Short Essay :
3. Discuss the etiology and management of a 10 year old boy with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
4. MMR Vaccine
5. Exchange transfusion
6. Klumpke’s palsy
7. Complications of cerebral palsy
8. Signs of puberty
9. Delayed closure of anterior fontanel
10. Essential fatty acids
11. Turner syndrome
12. Roseola infantum

Short Answers : 10 X 3 = 30 Marks
13. Prevention of HIV infection
14. Gray baby syndrome
15. Etiology of bronchiectasis
16. Febrile convulsions
17. Predisposing factors of leukemia
18. Albuminuria
19. Sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis
20. Microcephaly
21. Treatment of scabies
22. Cyanotic spells

Long Essay : 1 X 10 = 10 Marks
1. Describe the causes and management of hyper bilrubinemia in a neonate
Short Essay :
2. Diagnosis of hypothyroidism in children
3. Classification of protein energy malnutrition
4. Complications of pyogenic meningitis in children
5. Congenital spherocytosis
6. Indications for steroid therapy in children

Short Answers :
7. Name four exaAthematous illness
8. Casoni test
9. Chromosomal defect in down syndrome
10. Name 2 age independent anthropometric measurements
11. Dietic sources of vitamin D

Categories: Medical
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