Principles Of Sociology M.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : Sociology
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Sociology
Document Type : Model Question Papers/Previous Exams Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4268-M.A.%28Sociology%29.pdf

Alagappa University Principles Of Sociology Question Paper

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Alagappa University Dynamics Of Rural Development M.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4193.html

MAY 2016

Answer any FIVE of the following in about 150 words each.
1. Establish sociology as science with examples.
2. Explain the various agencies of socialization.
3. Describe the role of environment in shaping an individual’s personality.
4. Write a short note on assimilation.
5. Discuss the positive functions of conflicts.
6. Is social control necessary- Offer your views.
7. Put forth the relevance of norms in the contemporary society.
8. What is diffusionism- Explain it.
9. Give a detailed account on culture and civilization.
10. Illustrate the various stages of socialization in detail.

11. ‘‘Society lies on cooperation” — Explain.
12. Describe the formal means of social control elaborately.
13. Discuss the contribution of unilinear theory towards social change.
14. Critically analyze the cultural factors in social change.
15. ‘‘Man is social animal” critically analyse.

MAY 2015

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Write short on traditional Hindu social life.
2. Explain the characteristics of caste system.
3. Write brief notes on constitutional safeguards against
4. Explain the types and forms of marriage.
5. Write short notes on kinship system in India.
6. Write short notes on types of family in India.
7. Discuss in detail about secularisation in India.
8. Identify the advantage of modernization in social life.
9. Explain in detail about social and cultural life of Muslim
10. Elaborate in detail about theories of caste system in India.
11. Write the details about legislation and changing trends in
12. Bring out details about kinship in India.
13. Discuss how industrialisation determines the changes in
14. Trace out detailed notes on Westernization and Globalisation.
15. Explain the various causes responsible for the changes in

MAY 2014

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE of the following.

1. Explain the concept ‘Social Statics’.
2. Write a short note on organic analogy.
3. What is meant by “Reference Group’-
4. Briefly explain Emile Durkheim’s social fact.
5. Elucidate the views of Marx on ‘mode of production’.
6. Enumerate the functions of conflict.
7. What is Dramaturgy- Explain.
8. Distinguish between Governing and Non – Governing Elites.
9. Critically evaluate the idea of law of human progress given by comte.
10. Elucidate the contribution of Spencer on the types of society.
11. Explain the theory of religion by Emile Durkheim.
12. Write an essay on structural functionalism of Robert K.Merton.
13. How does Marx view class struggle-
14. Who coined the term ‘Ethnomethodology’- Write a brief note
15. Explain the Ideational, Sensate and Idealistic culture with suitable examples.

Research Methods :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A :
Answer any FIVE questions in about 150 words each.
1. Distinguish between Qualitative and Quantitative research.
2. Explain the factors affecting research design.
3. What is proportionate sampling? Explain with examples.
4. Briefly explain the advantages of secondary data in social research.
5. Write a short note on participant observation.
6. What is a social distance scale? How is it constructed?
7. Describe the characteristics of survey method.
8. Define research report and explain its purpose.

Section B :
Answer any FOUR questions in about 700 words each.
9. Explain the steps involved in historical method.
10. Define experimental research and discuss its features.
11. State the types of hypothesis and explain its role in social research.
12. Explain the probability sampling methods.
13. Classify interviews and describe briefly each type of interview.
14. Narrate the precautions that a researcher should take while interpreting his findings.
15. Write an essay on types of reports in social research.

MAY 2013

Distance Education :
M.A. (Sociology) Degree Examination, 
Rural Urban Sociology :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Write short notes on Rural – Urban differences.
2. Explain the cause and consequences of Rural poverty.
3. Write brief notes on Panchayat raj system.
4. Explain the role of NGO’s in Rural development.
5. Write short notes on any two rural development programmes.
6. Write short notes on Urban problems in India.
7. Bring out agencies for Urban development.
8. List down the functions of Tamil Nadu pollution control board society.

Categories: Sociology

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