Principles Of Bank Management M.B.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.B.A
Department : Management
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Bank Managgement
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4260.-M.B.A.%28B&F%29%20Upto%202012%20-13%20Academic%20Year%20&%202013%20Calender%20Year.pdf

Alagappa Bank Management Question Paper

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Alagappa University Total Quality Management M.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4267.html

Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Explain the principles of bank management.
2. What do you mean by Strategic Planning and
Operational Planning-
3. Discuss the functions of a committee.
4. What are the principles of direction-
5. Explain the concept of TQM in bank.
6. What are the objectives of MIS in banks-
7. What is the need for training among the bank personnel-
8. How is manpower planning done in banks-
9. Explain the role of a bank manager in bank management.
10. Explain different types of plans in banks.
11. Explain the process of decision making in banks.
12. What are the factors that determine span of control-
13. What are the different techniques of motivation-
14. State the reasons for computerization in banks.
15. Discuss the evaluation criteria used in banks.

Organizational Behaviour

First Semester
PART A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. What is organisational behaviour- Explain its characteristics.
2. Why are group norms important- Explain.
3. State the steps involved in perception.
4. Examine the process of communication in brief.
5. Point out the types of organisational culture.
6. Enumerate the causes of organizational change.
7. Narrate the characteristics of organisaitional development.
8. Define power. Mention the various bases of power.
9. State and explain the elements of organisational behaviour.
10. Examine the various determinants of personality of an individual.
11. What are the barriers in organisational communication-
12. Analyse the sources and consequnces of employee stress
13. Discuss the significance of the study of organisational climate.
14. Explain the OD intervention techniques in brief.
15. Narrate the causal, intervening and end result variables

Managerial Economics

First Semester
PART A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. State the relationship between economic theory and
2. What is Demand- Explain its types.
3. Point out the features of cost function.
4. Is price discrimination justifiable- Explain.
5. Narrate the limitations of profit maximisation objective.
6. Define business cycle. Enumerate the stages involved in it.
7. How does Managerial Economics help business decisions-
8. Point out the assumptions of demand analysis.
9. Explain the nature and scope of Managerial Economics.
10. Discuss the factors influencing demand for a commodity.
11. Analyse the economies and diseconomies of Scale.
12. Show diagrammatically price and output determination
13. Narrate the applications of CVP analysis.
14. Describe the implications of BOP on management.
15. What are the areas of cost control and cost reduction- Explain.

Financial Services & Institutions
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are the fund based activities in the financial market?
2. What is the need for integration of global financial markets?
3. Explain the significance of underwriting.
4. What are different types of leasing?
5. What are the advantages of venture capital?
6. Mention the features of mutual fund.
7. What is bills discounting in the foreign trade?
8. What are the features of financial services?

Section B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Explain the importance of mutual fund.
10. How are the NBFCs regulated by the RBI?
11. What are the advantages and limitations of credit rating?
12. Explain different types of factoring.
13. Discuss the guidelines of SEBI regarding merchant bankers.
14. Describe innovative financial services.
15. Examine the strength and weakness of finance companies in India.

Business Laws

M.B.A. (B&F) Degree Examination, May 2014 :
First Semester :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. What are the remedies available to an aggrieved party on
the breach of contract?
2. Distinction between contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee.
3. What are the rules relating to acceptance?
4. Differentiate between bailment and pledge.
5. Classify goods under the Sale of Goods Act 1930.
6. Explain the principles of insurance.
7. What is negotiable instrument? Explain its special features.
8. When does a private company become a public company?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Explain different types of contracts.
10. Who is an agent? Who can appoint on agent? What is the authority of an agent?
11. Explain the objectives of Consumer Protection Act 1986.
12. Distinguish between assignment and nomination in life insurance.
13. How does material alteration affect the characteristics of a negotiable instrument?
14. Discuss the rights, duties and liabilities of partners in a partnership firm.
15. Explain the nature and kinds of companies according to the Companies Act 1956.

Categories: Management Studies
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