Production And Maintenance Management B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Aircraft Maintenance Science
Subject Code/Name : Production And Maintenance Management
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : April 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4258-B.Sc.%20%28AMS%29.pdf

Alagappa Aircraft Maintenance Science Question Paper

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum :75 Marks
Answer any Five questions


1. What do you mean by a functional system –
2. State any three uses of graphical method in aggregate planning.
3. What do you mean by six sigma in quality –

Related : Alagappa University Pattern Making-Practical-I B.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4241.html 

4. What do you mean by simulations –
5. What is a comparative statement in purchase –
6. What do you mean by Preventive Maintenance –
7. What do you mean by work sampling –
8. What do you mean by Quality Audit –
9. (a) Explain the critical issues in product design and process planning.
(b) Explain the various types of production systems.

10. (a) Illustrate the nature and use of forecasting in production plan.
(b) Write an essay on “Modern Manufacturing Practices”.
11. (a) Describe the steps in TQM.
(b) Describe about method study in detail.
12. (a) Explain how information system influence maintenance management.
(b) Explain the concept, functions and scope of reliability programmes.
13. (a) Explain Inventory control and Inventory Decisions.
(b) Explain the principles and philosophy of stores accounting.

Aircraft Maintenance Science


Answer any five questions.
1. Resolve into partial fractions
2. Show that :2 1 2 ( 1) 2 . . . 1
3. Find modulus amplitude form 12 + 5i
4. Express1 13 2i 2 3i
5. If y = x2 sin ax find y1 and y2.
6. Evaluatesin x dx
7. If f = x3 + y3 + z3 + 3xyz. show that
8. Solve dy y tan y dx x x
9. (a) Resolve into partial fractions
(b)Sum to do the series2 3.7 3.7.11 . . .
10. (a)(i) Show that :1 sin – cos – Cos – sin –
(ii) Show that if n is a positive integers then(1 ) ( ) ( 2)4Cos
(b)(i) Expand sin 6- in a series of cosines of multiple of – .
11. (a) If y 1/m + y –1/m = 2x prove that
(b)Show that if – – nm where n2 = x2 + y2 + z2 then
13. (a) Solve xp2 – 2yp + x = 0
(b)Solve x2 (y – px) = yp2

Aircraft Maintenance Science


Answer any Five questions.
1. What is magnetostriction –
2. Explain propotional current formula in parallel circuit with example.
3. What is voltage regulation –
4. What is the principle of a DC motor –
5. List out the characteristic of shunt motor.
6. What is mean by instantaneous value and phase difference –
7. What is admittance –
8. Explain Q Factor.
9. (a) Explain any two methods to produce alternating emf with
(b) What do you understand by self inductance – Describe
10. (a) Find current and voltage drop across each resistance in
(b) Explain full wave bridge rectifier in detail. Find its
11. (a) Explain the working of a dynamo with necessary diagram.
(b) Write notes on(i) Multimeter(ii) CRO
12. (a) Derive an expression for RMS value of an alternating
(b) Derive an expression for impedance of an AC circuit
13. (a) Derive an expression for current and EMF in a circuit
(b) An alternating voltage Eo sin – t is applied to an LCR


Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A (5 × 3 = 15)
Answer any Five questions.
1. What is mutual inductance ? Explain with unit.
2. Draw the characteristics curves of a transistor under CE configuration and identify the different regions.
3. Define ? . What is the value of ? when ? = 1.
4. What are the differences between a JFET and a Bipolar Transistor ?
5. Explain FET acts as an analog switch.
6. Give the advantages of the push-pull amplifier.
7. Derive the Barkhausion criteria for oscillator.
8. What are the merits and demerits of phase shift oscillator ?

Part – B (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer All the questions.
9. (a) How do you select the resistors with series and parallel combination ?
(b) How is the energy stored in an inductor ? What is the Q factor of a coil ?

10. (a) Describe the working of a junction diode. Explain its V-I characteristics.
(b) Describe the performance of a transistor amplifier in common emitter arrangement. Also calculate the transistor parameters.

11. (a) (i) Draw the circuit diagram and describe the method to study the output characteristic of FET.
(ii) Define the FET parameters and obtain the relation connecting them.
(b) Draw the V-I characteristic of an SCR and explain it.

12. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of class A amplifier and give the maximum collector efficiency of it.
(b) Explain with expression for distorsion and power dissipation capability in detail.

13. (a) Explain the working of Hartley oscillator with neat circuit diagram.
(b) Describe the Colpitt oscillator circuit and explain its working.


Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A (5 × 3 = 15)
Answer any Five questions.
1. Give a short account on wedge shaped thin flim.
2. What is diffraction ? Explain.
3. Distinguish between a polarizer and an analyzer.
4. State Lonentz transformations.
5. State and explain Sabine’s formula.
6. What are ultrasonic waves ?
7. Explain population inversion.
8. Define a unit cell.

Part – B (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer All the questions.
9. (a) How are Newton rings formed ? How would you determine the refrective index of a liquid using Newton rings ?
(b) What is a diffraction grating ? Give its theory.

10. (a) (i) State and prove Brewster’s law
(ii) Explain double refraction.
(b) Give an account on
(i) Length contraction
(ii) Time dilation

11. (a) Give the reverberation theory.
(b) What is echo sounder ? How is it working ?

12. (a) What is stimulated emission ? Explain the construction and working of the semi conductor laser.
(b) What are the different types of optical fibres ? Explain.

13. (a) Give an account on Bravia’s lattices.
(b) What is Meissner effect ? Explain

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