General Medicine-II MBBS Question Bank : college.rrmch.org

Name of the College: RajaRajeshwari Medical College & Hospital
University : Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Degree : MBBS
Subject Name : General Medicine
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : college.rrmch.org

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Jan 2008 to Dec 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/college.rrmch.org/4255-UG-General-Medicine-QP-Jan-2008-Dec-2013.pdf

General Medicine-II :

M.B.B.S. PHASE III (Part-II) Degree Examination – January 2008
Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks: 100]

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QP Code : 1069
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
LONG ESSAY : 2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Discuss aetiology, clinical features, investigation and management of myasthenia Gravis
2, Discuss aetiology, investigation and management of congestive cardiac failure
3. Extra articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis
4. Behaviour therapy
5. Complications of Falciform Malaria
6. Hyperpyrexia
7. Dengue fever
8. Hyperventilation
9. Complications of chicken pox
10. Pneumocystis carini pneumonia
11. Dot’s therapy
12. Insulin therapy
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
13. Complications of pneumonia
14. Oral glucose tolerance test
15. Hypokalemia
16. Three causes irregulary irregular pulse
17. Horner’s syndrome
18. Three causes of lymphadenopathy
19. Urethral syndrome
20. Three uses of Neutrophenia
21. Three causes of non – pitting pedal oedema
22. Three causes of milky pleural fluid
10 X 3 = 30 Marks

M.B.B.S. PHASE III (Part-H) Degree Examination – January 2008
LONGESSAY : 2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Enumerate the revised Ducke jones criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever. How will you treat a patient with rheumatic? Fever with carditis
2. What are the causes of thrombocytopaenia? Discuss the clinical features and management of Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura
SHORTESSAY :10 X 5 = 50 Marks
3. Clinical features and treatment of Herpes Zoster
4. Step care management of Bronchial asthma
5. Causesand management of carpel tunnel syndrome
6. Enumerate the causes of Coma in diabetes and mention the precipitating causes of DKA
7. Glasgow coma scale
8. Outline the treatment of Leprosy
9. Outline the treatment for Hypothyroidism
10. Enumerate the neurological complication of Chronic alcoholism
11. Enumerate the causes of Nephrotic syndrome
12. Obscessivecompulsive disorder
13. Name drugs belonging to IIIrd generation cephalosporins (2 drugs)
14. Name 4 diseases modify drugs in Rheumatoid arthritis
15. 4 causes of acute renal failure
16. 2 indications for liver biopsy
17. 2 side effects of calcium channel blockers
18. 4 drugs used in epilepsy
19. 4 causes of oral ulcerations
20. 4 conditions of low back pain
21. 4 drugs used in MDRTB
22. Mention 4 neurological complications of Diabetes mellitus
10 X 2 = 20 Marks

M.B.B.S. PHASE III (Part-H) Degree Examination – January 2008
LONGESSAY :2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Etiology, pathology, clinical features, investigations and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
2. Define and classify Anaemia, how to approach a case of Anaemia. Clinical features and management of iron deficiency Anaemia
3. Atrial septal defect
4. Multi nodular goiter
5. Heamophilia
6. Gastro-esophageal-reflux-disease
7. Sub arachnoid haemorrhage
8. Carbamate poisoning
9. Pneumocystis carnni pneumonia
10. Nephritic syndrome
11. Rabies
12. Worm infestations in children
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
13. Fallots Tetralogy
14. Metabolic syndrome
15. Lepra reaction
16. Transient ischemic attack
17. Plummer-winsons syndrome
18. Liver function tests
19. Causes of hypo pigmentation
20. Indications of bone marrow transplant
21. Causes of chronic diarrhea
22. Indications of intravenous gamma globulin

Paper I – General Medicine and Pediatrics :
Your answer shall be specific to question asked. Draw neat and labeled diagrarns wherever necessary. Use separate answer book for section A and section B.
Long essay :
1. Describe the aetiology clinical features and treatment of infective endocarditis

Short Essay
2. Describe the clinical features and treatment of Leptospirosis
3. Describe the clinical features of sub acute combined degeneration
4. Describe the complications of obesity
5. Describe the causes of Iron deficiency anaemia
6. Describe the causes and treatment of Haemoptysis
Short Answers :
7. Mention two radiological features of left atrial enlargement in mitral stenosis
8. List two causes of hypercalcaemia
9. Enumerate the CSFfindings in sub arachnoid hemorrhage
10. List four causes of convulsions
11. List four disease modifying drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis

QP Code : 1014
Section B – Paediatrics [45 Marks]
Use separate answer book
Long Essay :
1. Classify congenital heart diseases. Describe the clinical presentation and management of patent ductus arteriosus
Short Essay :
2. Physiological jaundice of new born
3. Causes and treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in children
4. Interpretation of tuberculin test
5. Portal hypertension in children
6. Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance

Short answers :
7. Urine analysis findings in nephritic syndrome
8. Dosage of paracetamol
9. Define precocious puberty
10. Composition of oral rehydration solution
11. Daily requirements of vitamin A

M.B.B.S. PHASE III (Part-II) Degree Examination – July 2008 :
General Medicine – Paper II : (Revised Scheme)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay :
1. Aetiopathogenesis, Clinical features and management of Graves’ Disease
2. Aetiology and management of Leptospirosis

Short Essay :
3. Life cycle of Malarial parasite
4. Clubbing of fingers
5. Seronegative arthritis
6. Clinical features and management of type I respiratory failure
7. Management of lung abscess
8. Pleural aspiration
9. Ventricular Remodelling
10. Peripheral Neuropathy
11. Tumour Lysis Syndrome
12. Anxiety

Categories: Medical
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