Oceanography And Meteorology-II B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Nautical Science
Subject Code/Name : Oceanography And Meteorology-II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : April 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4253.-B.Sc.%20%28Nautical%20Science%29.pdf

Oceanography & Meteorology-II :

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 marks

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Answer ALL Questions (5 x 15 = 75)
1. a. Describe the circulation of water in atmosphere.
b. Briefly explain about the determination of winds.
2. a. Give a detailed account on the global wind.
b. Explain about the westerly winds and the jet stream.
3. a. Write about classification and identification
b. Explain about Global Warming and its problem
4. a. Elaborate in detail on the coastal geomorphological features.
b. Write an essay on anatomy of ocean waves.
5. a. Give a brief account on the following :i. Hurricanesii.Earthquakes
b. Explain in detail on the disaster management

Nautical Science
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
All questions carry equal marks.

1 a. If y = sin (m sin–1x), Show that (1–x2) yn+2 – (2n+1) x yn+1
2 a. Prove that Sin x = x –
3 a. If u = tan–1×3 y3
4 a. Show that the area of the loop of the curve a2 y2 = x2 (2a–x) (x–a)

Nautical Science
Answer ALL the Questions (5 × 15 = 75)

1. a) Define vector quantity with two examples (3)
b) Find the resultant of system of three coplanar forces acting at a
c) State and explain Lami’s theorem (4)
d) Define Impulse. Give it’s SI Unit. (2)
e) Derive an expression for the internal bending moment
f) Derive an expression for the excess of pressure inside an air bubble
2. a) State and Explain I Law of thermodynamics (3)
b) Define enthalpy (3)
c) Derive an expression for the workdone during an isothermal
d) Describe an experiment to find the coefficient of thermal
e) Define solar constant. Give its SI Unit. (3)
f) Explain the working of Hygrometer (4)
3. a) State the laws of transverse vibrations of a string (3)
b) Describe and experiment for the measurement of velocity of sound in gases (6)
c) Discuss the applications of reflection of sound (3)
d) Explain the unit used in sound (3)
e) What is Doppler effect in sound ? Explain it. (5)
f) Describe an experiment to find the intensity of sound. (7)
4. a) Explain the magnetic properties of Earth. (4)
b) Briefly explain hysterisis curve (8)
c) Explain hysterisis loss (3)
d) Give the common use of batteries (3)
e) Determine the magnetic field of toroidal coil (7)
f) Derive the relation between the RMS and peak value of an AC Voltage (5)
5. a) Explain the working of a P-N Junction diode (6)
b) Using suitable circuit diagram, explain the working of full – wave rectifier (9)
c) Give the characteristics of thermistor (5)
d) Describe an experiment to find the transistor parameters in CE configuration. (10)

Nautical science
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer any Two questions in this section.

1. Explain any five of the following with suitable sketches :—
i) Rhumb Lineii) Geographical Mileiii) Meridional parts
2. Explain any five of the following (Use suitable sketches)
i) Inferior planetsii) Course made goodiii) Prime vertical
3. i) Box the compass from ‘EAST’ to ‘SOUTH’ (7½)
4. By using plane sailing formula, find the set and drift of current.
5. By Mercator’s Principle find the position arrived.
6. Describe the different phases of Moon.
7. Why venus is called a Morning and Evening star – Explain

Ship Operation Technology – I :
(Upto 2007 Batch)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer All questions.
1 a. List the various safety apparel and explain their use. (10)
1 b. List the different types of a paint brushes and explain where each types is used. (10)
2 a. i) What is rust ? Why does it form ? (5)
ii) What are the different types of rust formation ? (5)
iii) Explain the different methods of removing rust. (5)
1 b. i) Explain the method of cleaning wooden surfaces (10)
ii) Explain what is ‘Caulking’ with respect to wooden decks. (5)
3 a. Explain what are the SOLAS requirements for a lifebuoy. (10) (Or)
1 b. Explain what are the SOLAS requirements for a life jacket. (10)
4 a. i) What are the markings on a life raft ? (5)
ii) List the different classes of lifeboats and the materials used in each case. (5)
iii) What are the different types of lifeboat davits ? Briefly outline the salient features of each type. (5)

Categories: Science
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