Ophthalmic Instrumentation-II B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Optometry
Subject Code/Name : Ophthalmic Instrumentation-Ii
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : April 2010 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4250.-B.Sc.%20%28Optometry%29.pdf

Ophthalmic Instrumentation-II :

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 70 Marks

Related : Alagappa University Oceanography And Meteorology-II B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4253.html

Section – A (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer any Five Question
1. Pachometer
2. Explain about kinetic and static perimetry
3. Contrast sensitivity test
4. Colour vision testing and different types of charts
5. Tonometer
7. PAM
8. Argon and Yag Laser
10. FFA
11. Humphrey field analyser
12. Excimer laser [Lasik]
13. Interpretation of field defects
14. Explain abouta) Nd-Yag Laserb) He-Ne gas Laser
c) Application of Lasers
15. Explain abouta) Schiotz tonometerb) Applanation Tonometer

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 70 marks
Answer any FIVE Questions

1. Uevo – Scleral drainage
2. Changes in accomodation with age ( Presbyopia )
3. Visual cycle
4. Retinal pigments
5. Functions of Lens
6. Dark adaptation curve
7. E R G ( Electro Retinogram )
8. Metabolic activities of Lens
9. Discuss in detail about composition, physiochemical activities
10. Types & measurement of contrast sensitivity
11. Factors affecting Intra oular pressure. Control & measure of
12. Discuss about
(a) mechanism & neurophysiology of colour vision ( 4)
(b) Test for colour vision (3)
(c) Colour blindness (3)
13. Tear film dynamics
14. Discuss in detail about Binocular Single Vision (BSV)
15. Discuss about
(a) Mechanics of action of Extra ocular muscle (3)
(b) Laws governing Ocular Motility (3)
(c) Ocular Movements (4)

Microbiology and Pharmacology of the Eye
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 70 marks
Answer any FIVE Questions

1. Write a short note on newer drug delivery systems
2. Pharmacological actions of Opioid analgesics
3. Write short notes on artificial tears
4. Factors influencing penetration of Ocular drugs
5. Uses of local anasthetics in opthalmology
6. Write short notes on Beta – blockers
7. Write short notes on antipyretics
8. Explain Visco elastic agents
9. Routes of Drug administration
10. Indications and contra indications of cartico steroids in ocular
11. Antiglaucoma Durgs
12. Classification of NSAIDS, actions and uses
13. Drugs effective is convulsive disorders
14. Explain Adverse drug reaction
15. Pharmaco therapy of Insomnia

English And Communication Skills
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 70 marks
SECTION – A ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
Answer any FIVE Questions
1. “Education should bring out an overall behavioural change in the minds of the students” Discuss.
2. What are the essentials of efficient Speaking ?
3. What are the sources of difficulty experienced by the Speaker and the Listener ?
4. “Women listen better than Men “ – Discuss
5. What are the skills assessed during a Group Discussion ?
6. Write briefly on your favourite sprinter.
7. What are the standard interview Questions ?
8. What are the precautions you have to make for conducting a free eye camp ?

Section – B : ( 4 x 10 = 40 )
Answer any FOUR Questions
9. “Tourism costs more money, time, energy and risk “ – Discuss
10. Write a letter to the government asking permission to conduct a free eye camp at Madurai.
11. How do you present your resume for the post of a Coordinator in an Eye Hospital ?
12. “The minutest expressions is possible only in English Language” Discuss.
13. “After Globalization Indian tradition suffers a set back” – Discuss.
14. Write a letter to your friend about your trip to Mamallapuram, a famous place for sculptures.
15. “Mobile phones and i-pods are used for the advantage of students in Delhi Schools “ – Discuss.

Geometric Optics :
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 70 marks
Part – A : ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
Answer any FIVE Questions :
1. What is spherical aberration & chromatic aberration?
2. Describe cardinal point of optical systems.
3. Write a short note on Dispersion of prisms.
4. Define Snelts law, explain relative and absolute refractive indices.
5. Calculate lateral magnification for refraction at a special surface.
6. Define total internal reflection. What are the condition for total internal reflection?
7. What is core and cladding in Optical Fibre? Explain.
8. Describe in detail different types of lens shapes.

Part – B : ( 4 X 10 = 40 )
Answer any FOUR Questions
9. Explain different applications of opitcal fibres in industrial & medicine.
10. Derive the relation between U, V and R for refraction at a concave surface.
11. What is Fermat’s principle and derive the laws of refraction?

Categories: Science
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