NIOS Sample Question Paper Physical Education and Yog : National Institute of Open Schooling

Organisation : National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Examination Name : Physical Education and Yog
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2023
Website : https://www.nios.ac.in/default.aspx

NIOS Physical Education and Yog Sample Question Paper

1. (i) “Yog” term is derived from which one of the following word?
a. Yoga
b. Yum
c. Yuj
d. Yoj
(ii) In which year was the Indian Olympic Association (I.O.A.) formed?
a. 1920
b. 1927
c. 1929
d. 1928

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2 (i) In which period was Patanjali yoga sutra written?
a. Vedic Period
b. Sutra Period
c. Pre-Vedic Period
d. Medieval Period
(ii) Which among the following is not an Indigenous Sport?
a. Kho-Kho
b. Atye-patye
c. Hockey
d. Kabaddi

3. (i) Write the full form of the sports organization ‘NSNIS’.
a. Netaji School of National Interests of Sports
b. National Sports of North India School
c. Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports
d. D. National Sports Netaji Subash Indian School
(ii)Nath Panth is related to……
a- Vedic period
b- Upanishad period
c- Pre-Vedic period
d- Medieval period

4 BMR stands for
a. Beginning Metabolic Rate
b. Basic Metabolic Rate
c. Basal Metabolic Rate
d. Beginner Metabolic Rate

5 “Jogging on the spot” exercise is usually performed to
a. Strength development
b. Flexibility development
c. Warmup
d. Cooling down

6 Which one of the following is not an effect of warming-up exercises?
a. Nerve receptors work faster
b. Prevents sports injuries
c. Improves flexibility and physical performance
d. Decline blood pressure

7 (i)Which of the following exercises is not an example of Isometric contraction?
a. Pushing the wall
b. Pullups
c. Planks
d. Bhujangasana
(ii)Accumulation of Lactate is an effect of exercises on which of the following system?
a. Muscular System
b. Respiratory system
c. Circulatory Systems
d. Nervous System

8 The volume of physical activities can be measured in………
a. Kilograms
b. Playing football
c. Seconds
d. Kilometer per hour

9 Which element is found in high quantity in pulses?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Protein
c. Fat
d. Vitamins

10 (i)In which type of tournament, does an individual or team does not get a chance after losing a match?
a. League
b. Combination
c. knockout tournaments
d. Challenge Tournament
(ii)Which one of the following activity is not an Intramural?
a. Inter-house football match
b. Inter-hostel volleyball match
c. Inter-school handball match
d. Inter-class cricket match

11 (i)There will be no need of ‘bye’ in knockout tournaments if the numbers of teams are……
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12
(ii)Through which formula can we calculate the minimum number of matches in knockout tournaments?
a. n-1
b. n/2
c. n-1/2
d. n+½

12 (i) To which one of the following does ‘Awakening of Kundali’ belong?
a. Raj yoga
b. Hath Yoga
c. Bhakti Yoga
d. Ashtang Yoga
(ii) Recognise the Chakra which is situated at the crown of the head?
a. Anahata Chakra
b. Vishuddhi Chakra
c. Sahasrara Chakra
d. Manipur Chakra

13 The technique in yog used for extension of vital energy and life forces through breath control is referred to as
a. Yama
b. Niyam
c. Pranayam
d. Asana

14 Identify the pranayam that resembles the typical humming sound of bees.
a. ShitkariPranayam
b. Bhramari Pranayam
c. Ujjayi Pranayam
d. BhastrikaPranayam

15 (i)Identify the most important ‘nadi’ among the following.
a. Ida nadi
b. Pingla nadi
c. Shushumna nadi
d. None of the above
(ii)Kumbaka as a component of pranayam means which one of the following
a. Retention of breath
b. Exhalation of breath
c. Inhalation of breath
d. None of the above

16. Fill in the blanks
(i) Meghasthenes visited India during the period of ………. and referred to a very elaborate system of physical training for the……
(ii) Ramayana and Mahabharata were composed during ………. and both epics reveal that this period was a period of great………..

17. Mark the following statements as true or false
(I) a. The learning process is divided into four domains.
b. In teaching attitude, appreciation and values come under affective domain.
(II) a. The air inhaled and released in one breath is called exhalation.
b. During activity our muscles require carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

18. Fill in the blanks
When was the School Health Programme introduced in India………and it reduces the……….. factor.

19. Fill in the blanks
(i) Yog classifies diet into three types namely……… , ……… and tamasic diets.
(ii) Carbohydrates,……… and ……… are known macronutrients.

20. Match the Following-
Section- A Section-B
I-Fat- soluble vitamins (a) Vitamin C, B
II-Water-soluble vitamins (b) Vitamin A,D
(c) Vitamin H

Structure Of Question Paper

Time: 3 hrs
Maximum Marks: 70
i. This question paper consists of 38 questions in all.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Marks are given against each question.

iv. Section A consists of
a. Q.No. 1 to 15 – Multiple Choice type questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each. Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given in each of these questions. An internal choice has been provided in some of these questions. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions.
b. Q.No. 16 to 25 –Objective type questions carrying 02 marks each (with 2 sub-parts of 1 mark each). Attempt these questions as per the instructions given for each of the questions.

v. Section B consists of
a. Q.No. 26- to 33 – Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each to be answered in the range of 30 to 50 words.
b. Q.No. 34 to 36 – Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each to be answered in the range of 50 to 80 words.
c. Q.No. 37 to 38 – Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each to be answered in the range of 80 to 120 words.

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