Anatomy MBBS Question Bank : college.rrmch.org

Name of the College: RajaRajeshwari Medical College & Hospital
University : Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Degree : MBBS
Subject Name : 2062/Anatomy
Paper : II,I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : college.rrmch.org

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Jan 2008 to Dec 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/college.rrmch.org/4244-UG-Anatomy-QP-Jan-2008-Dec-2013.pdf

RRMCH Anatomy MBBS Question Bank

M.B.B.S. PHASE – I Degree Examination – :
Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks: 100]
ANATOMY – PAPER II (Revised Scheme II)

Related / Similar Question Bank :
RRMCH Ophthalmology MBBS Question Bank

QP Code : 1076
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.:
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. :

July 2008

LONG ESSAY :2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Describe the knee joint under the following headings
a) Ligaments b) Bursae around knee joint c) Menisci d) Movements
2. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings
a) Relations b) Supports c) Blood supply d) Development & applied anatomy
SHORT ESSAY : 10 X 5 = 50 Mark.s
3. Coeliac trunk
4. Quadriceps femoris
5. Femoral sheath
6. Supports of uterus
7. Dorsalis pedis artery
8. X chromosome
9. Microscopic structure of ileum
10. Anterior relations of right kidney
11. Microscopic structure of pancreas
12. Blood supply of stomach

SHORT ANSWERS: 10 X 3 = 30 Marks
14. Mc Burneys point
15. Omental bursa
16. Gluteus maximus muscle
17. Tibial collateral ligament of knee joint
18. Draw and label microscopic structure of Vasdeferen’s
19. Draw and label microscopic structure of ureter
20. Derivatives of Mid Gut
21. Enumerate any three contents of umbilical cord
22. Venous drainage of testis

January 2008

M.B.B.S. PHASE – I Degree Examination –  :
1. Name the arches of the foot. Describe the lateral longitudinal anatomy
2. Describe the kidney, add a note on its applied anatomy
3. Klinefelter syndrome
4. Genetic counseling
5. Hamstring muscles
6. Extensor retinacula in foot
7. Lesser sac
8. Sites of portocaval anastomosis
9. Microscopic structure of testis
10. Microscopic structure of Duodenum
11. Development of pancreas
12. Development and anomalies of urinary bladder
10 X 5 = 50 Marks
13. Adductor muscles
14. Foot drop
15. Draw and label microscopic structure of umbilical cord
16. Draw and label microscopic structure of fundic stomach
17. Iliofemoral ligament
18. Monozygotic twins
19. In vitro fertilization
20. Epiploic foramen
21. Inguinal rings
22. Contents of spermatic cord

January 2009

M.B.B.S. PHASE – I Degree Examination – January 2008 :
ANATOMY – PAPER II (Revised Scheme).
LONG ESSAY 2 X 9 = 18 Marks
1. Describe the spleen under following headings
a) Situation, borders and surfaces
b) Peritoneal and Visceral relations
c) Blood supply and development
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of popliteal fossa. Describe Origin, course and branches of popliteal artery
3. Development of pancreas
4. Inguinal hernia – types, coverings
5. Quadratus lumborum muscle
6. Greater omentum – attachments, contents and functions
7. Supports of uterus
8. Prostatic urethra – length, course, structures opening
9. Perineal membrane – attachments, structures piercing
10. Nerve supply and lymphatic drainage of urinary bladder
11. Femoral nerve root value, course, branches
12. Inguinal lymph nodes – groups, area of drainage and applied importance
13. Ring chromosome
14. Give three clinical features of turners syndrome
15. Name any four autosomal recessive disorders
16. Contents of spermatic cord
18. Draw a labeled diagram of microscopic structure of fallopian tube
19. Name the cells present in fundic part of stomach and give their secretion
20. Draw and label classical lobule of liver
21. What is the medicolegal importance of ossification of lower end of femur?
22. Name the coverings of testis
23. Polycystic kidney
24. Name the derivatives of midgut
25. Hypospadias
26. Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal pouch
27. Femoral canal situation, contents, applied anatomy
28. Sphincter ani externus muscle

Anatomy – Paper I

QP Code : 1002
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay :
1. Describe the Appendix under the following headings : Situation, positions, blood supply, development and structure
2. Describe the right atrium under the following headings : a) internal features, b) openings,’ c) development, d) blood supply

Short Essay :
3. Fibrous pericardium
4. Rectus abdominis
5. Cisterna chili
6. Structure of pancreas
7. Anterior relations of left kidney
8. Broncho pulmonary segments of left lung
9. Central tendon of diaphragm.
10. Ligamentum arteriosum
11. Non dysjunction
12. Lesser omentum

Short Answers :
13. Two boundaries of foramen epiploicum
14. Two peritoneal ligaments of spleen
15. Pulmonary ligament
16. Name the structures in the coronary sulcus of heart
17. Namejoints of typical rib
18. Name of the tunicae of testis
19. Parts of Douglas pouch
20. Payer’s patches
21. Corpus luteum
22. Mitochondria

Anatomy – Paper II

M.B.B.S. PHASE – I Degree Examination – January 2008 :
Anatomy – Paper I (Revised Scheme II)
QP Code : 1075
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay :
1. Name the muscles of pharynx. Give the
a) Origin b) Insertion c) Nerve supply d) Actions constrictor muscle of pharynx. Add a note on its surgical anatomy
2. Describe the right atrium under the following headings
a) Interior b) Blood supply c) Development d) Anomalies
e) Relations of superior

Short Essay :
3. Nasal septum
4. Posterior wall of middle ear
5. Draw & label section at level of inferior colliculus
6. Mediastinal surface of left lung
7. Development of tongue
8. Mesodermal somites
9. Movements of wrist joint
10. Blood supply and nerve supply of scalp
11. Supra pleural membrane
12. Microscopic structure of palatine tonsil

Short Answers :
13. Radio-ulnar joint
14. Fate of ectodermal clefts
15. Blood supply of long bone
16. Enumerate the contents of posterior mediastinum
17. Origin of diaphragm
8. Deep palmar arch
19. Glenohumeral ligaments
20. Draw and label microscopic structure of spinal ganglion
21. Blood supply of hypophysis
22. Buccinator muscle

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