Auto cad-I B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Fashion Design
Subject Code/Name : Auto cad-I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2010 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4230.-B.Sc.%28Interior%20Design%29.pdf

Alagappa Auto Cad Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Section – A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer all questions.

Related : Alagappa University Computer Basics-Practical B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4228.html

November 2012

1. (a) How do you rotate an object –
(b) How do you place objects in a circular pattern –
2. (a) How do you divide one entity into two –
(b) Write the steps to trim the corners.
3. (a) How do you hatch a closed entity –
(b) When do you use a match properties –
4. (a) Which command do you use to draw a smooth curve –
(b) What are the different dimension commands –
5. (a) How do you fill an entity –
(b) How do you change the name of a layer –

6. (a) Write the steps to create :(i) New file (ii) Open(iii) Save (iv) Close
(b) Write steps in the given commands :(i) Move (ii) Copy(iii) Offset
7. (a) Write the steps for the following commands :(i) Break (ii) Trim
(b) Write the steps for the following commands :(i) Undo (ii) Redo(iii) Donut
8. (a) How do you know which line types are available,
(b) How do you hatch (i) in a crowd (ii) outside an entity (iii) inside an entity –
9. (a) How will you find the area of a regular object and an irregular-
(b) Explain the different types of dimensions with neat sketches.
10. (a) Why do we use extrude command, also write the steps involved in it –
(b) Write a short note about Autocad design centre .

November 2010

Interior Design / Fashion Design
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 60 Marks

I. Répondez aux question suivantes :
1. Traduisez en français :(a) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
(Ou)(c) I am a professor.(d) His name is Philippe.
2. Traduisez en anglais :(a) Vous êtes canadien – (b) Aurevoir, madame.
(c) Vous êtes chanteur – (d) Qu’est-ce que vous faites –
3. Écrivez les nombres :(a) sept(b) vingt(c) dix(d) onze
4. Écrivez les pluriel des noms :(a) tableau(b) cahier
5. Complétez avec 1’ article défini :(a) ———— appareil.(b) ———— arbres.
II. 6. Répondez aux questions suivantes :
(a) Comment s’ appelle votre père – Quel âge
(b) Présentez votre voisin –
(Ou)(c) Présentez votre mère(d) Présentez votre soeur.
7. (a) Écrivez les nombres en lettres :(i) 21 à 25.(ii) 71 à 75
(b) Donnez le féminin des noms suivants :(i) avocat(ii) élève(iii) ami
8. (a) Donnez les nationalités des pays suivants :(i) Allemagne.
(b) Donnez le féminin des adjectifs suivants :(i) long.(ii) intelligent.
9. Conjuguez les verbes suivants :(a) aimer(b) aller(c) être(d) parler
10. (a) Écrivez les mois de l’année.
(b) Les vacances scolaires dans votre pays et en France. Comparez.

Fashion Design/Interior Design

English—I :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Section – A : (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer all the questions choosing either (a) or (b)..
1. (a) Give the feminine form for the following nouns :
(i) Jew (ii) Hero
(iii) Sultan (iv) Shepherd
(b) Find out the nouns that are used as adjectives.
(i) I met a little cottage girl.
(ii) He is always playing computer game.

2. (a) Fill in the blanks with articles :
(i) Twelve inches make ————— foot.
(ii) A brid in ———— hands is worth two in ———— bush.
(iii) ———— Daniel come to judgement.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronoun.
(i) ————— book is mine.
(ii) He ———— said so.
(iii) The horse fell and broke ——— leg.
(iv) I met Hari, ———— had just returned.

3. (a) Put in the suitable forms of verbs :
(i) I ————— English since first standard (study).
(ii) The Principal ——— to speak to you (want).
(iii) I ———— a ticket tomorrow (get).
(iv) I ————— a new house next year (go).
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
(i) I ———— swim across the river when I was young.
(ii) You ———— go, now.
(iii) You ————— improve your spelling.
(iv) He ——— not take such a step.

4. (a) Fill in the blanks with the gerunds given in the bracket (giving, receiving, playing, walking)
(i) He is fond of ————— cricket.
(ii) ———— is a good exercise.
(iii) ———— is better than —————.
(b) Pick out the participle in each of the following sentences. Tell whether it is a present or past participle.
(i) Being occupied with important matters, he had no leisure to see us.
(ii) Seeing the sunshine, I threw open the window.

5. (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
(i) Radha sat ———— arm chair.
(ii) He married ———— money.
(iii) I saw him ——— the baker’s.
(iv) He stayed ———— Mumbai for 5 years.
(b) Use apt conjunctions to fill up the blanks :
(i) ——— he was sleeping, an enemy sound tares.
(ii) I am so tired ———— I cannot go on.
(iii) ————— she is poor, she is honest.
(iv) Many things have happened ———— I left school.

Categories: Fashion Design
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