Health Service Management M.B.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.B.A
Subject Code/Name : Health Service Management
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4212.-1-M.B.A.%28HSM%29.pdf

Health Service Management :

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Answer all questions.

Related : Alagappa University Resort & Theme Park Management B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4247.html

1. List any five infectious diseases.
2. Write notes on RBC and WBC.
3. Differentiate Tubectomy Vs Vasectomy.
4. Expand AYUSH.
5. Define ‘‘Sterilization”.
6. Explain the signs and symptoms of Hypertension.
7. Brief the epidemiology of Hepatitis B.
8. Draw and explain the gland ‘Adrenal’.
9. Brief the Indian System of Medicine.
10. Explain CPR Procedure.
11. List and brief the records and registers related with hospital safety.
12. Draw the table of Immunization schedule.
13. List and explain the cardiovascular diseases.
14. Draw digestive system and explain.
15. Brief about ‘‘Pest Control”.
16. Explain the methods of waste disposal system.
17. List the types of disasters.

1. Define Health Policy.
2. Describe scope of economics.
3. Why Economic evaluation is important-
4. What is Health Expenditure-
5. Write any two indicators to determine Health Policy.
6. Explain evaluation of Health Systems in India.
7. Briefly explain socio-economic factors in India
8. Write short notes on :(a) Secondary care center
9. Briefly explain the cost benefit analysis in health economics.
10. What is Demand and supply- Describe the types
11. Describe the importance of health economics.
12. Describe concept of Elasticity.
13. Explain Infant mortality ratio in India.
14. Explain the Health Systems in India.
15. Explain various types of welfare schemes given by the government to the public.
16. Describe Population policy and recommendations of Jungalwalla committee.
17. Explain the functions of eighth five-year plan.

1. What is management-
2. What are the functions of hospital management-
3. What is reviewing-
4. What is organisational climate-
5. What is organising-
6. What are the objectives of hospital management-
7. Explain the hospital organisation structure.
8. What do you mean by management process-
9. What is planning- What are the various types-
10. What do you mean by code of ethics-
11. Explain the merits of controlling.
12. What do you mean by professional requirements-
13. Explain the significance of system approach to management.
14. Hospital as a formal organisation – Discuss.
15. What are the various factors affecting behavioural science-
16. What do you mean by management process- Explain its merits.
17. What is managerial effectiveness- Explain its significance.

1. Define ‘Human Resource Management’.
2. Define ‘Counselling’.
3. What is human resource inventory-
4. Explain ‘Induction’.
5. Describe potential appraisal.
Answer any four questions.
6. Explain the system approach in HRM.
7. Give short note on Human Resource Audit and Research.
8. Explain the factors influencing manpower planning.
9. Give short note on ‘Promotion’.
10. Explain the factors affecting morale.
11. Explain the methods of Job evaluation.
12. Elucidate the concept of ‘Dicipline’.

Section C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
13. Explain the importance of HRM in Organizational Development.
14. Define Recruitment. Discuss various sources of recruitment.
15. Explain elaborately on selection process.
16. Explain various methods of performance appraisal.
17. Critically examine the challenges of compensation management.

M.B.A. Degree Examination, November 2011 :
Health Service Management
Organisational Behaviour :
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Part A : (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer all questions :
1. What is individual differences?
2. Define perception.
3. Describe conflict.
4. What do you mean by power?
5. Define strokes.

Part B : (4 × 5 = 20)
Answer any four questions.
6. Discuss the scope of organisational behaviour.
7. Write short note on emotions.
8. Discuss the factors determining personality.
9. Explain the process of motivation.
10. Describe various styles of leadership.
11. Explain the sources of stress.
12. Give short note on life positions.

Part C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
13. Explain the individual differences in jobs.
14. Discuss the factors affecting perception.
15. What are the barriers for communication?
16. Write a note on reinforcement theories of motivation.
17. Explain the pressure for change and resistance to change.

Operations Management – I :
Section A (5 × 2 = 10)
Answer all questions :
1. What is job satisfaction?
2. What is coding?
3. How to satisfy unsatisfied customer?
4. Short Notes :
(a) Records Management
(b) Family Counseling.
5. Define deficiency check

Section B : (4 × 5 = 20)
Answer any four questions :
6. Explain Ambulatory care services.
7. Write an essay on sanitation?
8. Give the importance of Human Resource Management.
9. What are the problems to be avoided in appraising performance?
10. Short notes :
(a) Pest control
(b) Infection control

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