BA English & Communication Skills Model Question Paper Distance Education : Alagappa University

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject Code/Name : English And Communication Skills
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4211-1-B.Sc.%28Nautical%29.pdf

Alagappa University Communication Skills Question Paper

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Related : Alagappa University Indian Writing in English I B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/3880.html

1. (a) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below :
Have you ever told a joke, and discovered that your listeners didn’t laugh? Don’t you know people who never seem to laugh, while others always smile or laugh? We laugh not because of a mechanical process in our body, but to express our feelings.

These feelings may be joy, lightness of heart or amusement. There is one ‘mechanical’ cause of laughter-tickling. This is a reflex action on the part of our body to a certain kind stimulation. It is not related to other kinds of laughter we enjoy.

When we laugh, we spontaneously express certain feelings that are brought on by seeing, remembering, imagining, or thinking of something. Now, that something has to provoke laughter in us.

Why does it create that reaction in us? One such idea is that laughing is a kind of ‘social’ act. If you are watching TV alone and see something funny, you might not laugh very loudly. But if there are a group of friends watching with you, you might laugh loudly together.

Questions :
(i) Why do we laugh? (2)
(ii) What are the certain feelings do we express when we laugh?
(iii) ‘Laughing is a kind of ‘social’ act’. Explain. (2)
(iv) Why do we laugh when somebody fall or slip?
(v) Explain the meaning of the following words. (5)
(1) Mechanical
(2) Stimulation
(3) Remember
(4) Spontaneously
(5) Scornfully.
(b) Read the following passage and the questions given below :
From early times man believed that gods and devils controlled his life. In his view, disasters like storms, attacks by enemies, a bad harvest and diseases happened because the gods were angry or the devils were strong.

Naturally, the best way to stop these disasters was to please the gods or fight the devils. Therefore, the first doctors were priests also. Their methods seem very strange to us today.

Suppose the doctor thought that a devil was causing the illness then in order to make him leave the body, he spoke to the devil. In addition, he gave some very unpleasant medicines to the patient. The idea was to would want to go away.

Questions :
(i) Why did disaster happen, according to the men of early times? (2)
(ii) What were the ways to stop these disasters? (3)
(iii) Who were the first doctors? (2)
(iv) What were the strange methods adopted by the first doctors?
(v) Explain the meanings of the following words.
(1) Devil
(2) Disaster
(3) Harvest
(4) Priest
(5) Strange

2. Essay writing. (15)
(a) ‘‘Reading habit is in a deplorable stage’’ – Discuss.
(b) Kashmir’s problems and solutions – Discuss.

3. Letter writing. (15)
(a) Write a letter of application with your resume to the Director of Education for the post of a teacher in the Educational service.
(b) Write a letter to the Executive Engineer of Periyar Dam asking permission for the students to visit the hydroelectric plant.

4. Report writing. (15)
(a) You are the staff reporter of ‘The Hindu’. Report the incidents to ‘The Hindu’ Newspaper about ‘THE TAMIL SEMMOZHI CONFERENCE’ recently held at coimbatore.
(b) You are a witness to a grand function organised for blood donation by a group of students. Write a detailed report to be sent to a magazine.
5. Communication : (15)
(a) What are the objectives of media in Mass Communication?
(b) Mass communication is a key to change the attitude of a society. Discuss.

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