Design And Analysis Of Algorithms M.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : Design And Analysis Of Algorithms
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov.2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4201.-M.SC.,%20COMPUTER%20SCIENCE%20%28R%29.pdf

Alagappa  Design & Analysis Of Algorithms Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

Related : Alagappa University Basics Of Mathematics And Quantum Mechanics M.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4199.html

Answer all questions.
1. What is need for parallel computation –
2. State theta notation.
3. What is meant by an internal sort –
4. State minimal weighted spanning tree.
5. Define 8-Queens problem.
6. State the sum of subsets.
7. Define Graph colouring.
8. What are the Hamiltonian cycles –
9. Write any one application of travelling sales person problem.
10. How can a graph be stored in a computer –

11 (a) Explain Space and Time complexity.
(b) Explain Asymptotic notation.
12. (a) Write an Algorithm for Binary Search with an example.
(b) Write an Algorithm for Merge Sort with an example.
13 (a) Explain aboiut Optimal Binary Search trees.
(b) Explain the applications of n-queen problem.
14 (a) Explain LC Branch and Bound solution.
(b) Explain FIFO Branch and Bound solution.
15 (a) Explain non deterministic algorithms of NP
(b) Explain the basic concepts of NP Hard and
16. Describe the various models of computation.
17. Explain Kruskal’s method of finding minimum cost
18. What do you mean by back tracking – Explain with
19. State and explain the travelling salesman proble
20. Explain Cook’s theorem.

Advanced Computer Architecture

Answer all questions.

1. What is an operand – Give an example.
2. What is indirect addressing mode –
3. What is Bench cost –
4. What is VLIW approach –
5. Define : Miss Rate.
2 RW-6190
6. What is virtual memory –
7. Define : Distributed shared memory.
8. Write short note on thread level parallelism.
9. What is a Bus –
10. What is meant by RAID –
11 (a) Write about quantitative principles of
(b) Give an account on type and size of operands.
12. (a) How will you reduce bench cost – Explain.
(b) Write note on Static Branch Instruction.
13 (a) How will you reduce miss rate – Explain.
(b) How will you reduce hire time – Explain.
14 (a) Write about symmetric shared memory architecture.
(b) Explain synchronization.
15 (a) Write about designing of I/O system.
(b) Discuss multithreading.
16. Wri te on (a) Instruction on control f low
(b) Addressing modes.
17. Give an account on Hardware support for more ILP
18. Discuss cross cutting issues in the design of
19. Write about (a) Models of memory consistency
20. Write on the issues involved in interconnecting networks.

Distributed Operating System

Answer all the questions.

1. Define Distributed systems.
2. What do you mean by client –
3. Define Deadlocks.
4. Define Synchronization.
5. What do you mean by random access files –
6. Define Sequential access files.
7. What is shared memory –
8. Define a term Bus.
9. What is MACH –
10. What do you mean by shared memory

Part – B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions.
11. (a) Write a short note on remote procedure call.
(b) Discuss about group communications.
12. (a) Describe Mutual exclusion.
(b) Explain about election automic transactions.
13. (a) Discuss about trends in distributed file systems.
(b) Write about file system design.
14. (a) Write a short note on ring based multi processors.
(b) Discuss about switched multiprocessors.

15. (a) Write a short note on CHORUS.
(b) Discuss about page based distributed shared memory

Part – C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
16. Explain about ATM networks.
17. Discuss about real time distributed systems.
18. Describe briefly implementation in file system design.
19. Explain NUMA comparision of shared memory systems.
20. Explain about object based distributed shared memory.

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