Basics Of Mathematics And Quantum Mechanics M.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Science
Subject Code/Name : Basics Of Mathematics And Quantum Mechanics
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4199.-M.SC.,%20NANO%20SCIENCE%20&%20TECH.,.pdf

Alagappa Mathematics & Quantum Mechanics Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

Related : Alagappa University Immunobiology M.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4174.html

1. Prove that grad (uv) = u – v + v – u.
2. Define Scalar potential field or Lamellar vector field.
3. Define Gamma function (n) .
4. What is a generating function – Give one example.
5. State variation principle.
6. What do you mean by an excited state –
7. Write the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
8. Explain photoelectric effect.
9. What do you mean by negative energy states –
10. What is an operator – Give an example.

11. (a) State and explain Gauss Divergence theorem.
(b) Prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
12. (a) Explain the orthogonal properties of Hermite
(b) Give an account on Bessel’s Functions.
13. (a) Give an account on ground state of Deutron atom.
(b) Explain Hormonic perturbation.
14. (a) What are matter waves – Explain its hypothesis.
(b) Give a note on the limitations of classical physics.
15. (a) Give an account on the simultaneous
(b) State and explain Klein-Gordon equation.
16. Write a short note on :(a) Schwartz inequality. (b) Eigenvalues.
17. Using the generating function
18. Apply variation method for excited states upper
19. Derive Schrödingers time independent wave equation.
20. Discuss the case of a linear Hormonic oscillator in detail.

Basics Of Materials Science

Nano Science and Technology
Answer all the questions.

1. Define Space symmetry and Space groups.
2. Write the procedure employed in determination of
h, k and l index numbers in a crystal system.
3. Define crystallinity of a polymer.
4. Write the factors that influence the mechanical
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5. What is known as “Tie line” –
6. What are the differences between hand and soft
7. Define Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism.
8. Briefly describe the phenomenon of Domains and Hysteresis
9. Distinguish between Oxidation and Reduction reactions.
10. Explain why ceramic materials are very resistant to corrosion
11. (a) Distinguish between Single crystal and
(b) Define Crystallographic direction. Write the steps
12. (a) Write a brief essay on the crystallinity of polymer comp-
(b) Discuss the various characteristic features of highpolymers-
13. (a) State and explain phase rule. Discuss the
14. (a) Write a detailed note on Ferroelectric materials.
(b) Name and describe the three types of polarization.
15. (a) List three differences between :(i) the corrosion of ceramics,
(b) List five measures that are commonly used to
16. How will you determine the structure of a
17. What is meant by a polymer compound – Discuss
18. State and explain : (a) The lever rule
19. In terms of electron energy band structure, discuss
20. (a) Briefly describe the two techniques that are
(b) Briefly explain the difference between

Basic Biotechnology

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all the questions.

1. Charismatic species.
2. Chipko movement.
3. Gene therapy.
4. BAC.
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5. Artificial seeds.
6. Ti plasmid.
7. CO2 incubator.
8. Immobilization.
10. Biological databases.

Part – B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions by choosing either (a) or (b).
11. (a) Describe genetic based biodiversity conservation practices.
(b) Write note on Biosphere reserves and National parks.

12. (a) Describe in details Microprojectile bombardment
(b) Give an account on molecular tools.

13. (a) How to isolate protoplasts from plants ?
(b) List the greenhouse effects and its impact on environment.

14. (a) Define the physical conditions for animal cell culture growth
(b) What is bioaugmentation ? Mention its applications.

15. (a) Multiple sequence alignment.
(b) How to construct Phylogenetic tree ?

Part – C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
16. How to conserve the biodiversity in ex-situ conditions ?
17. Give an account on plasmid cloning vectors.
18. How to develop transgenic plants with beneficial traits ?
19. Discuss in detail the bioremediation techniques.
20. Microbes are biogas producers–Discuss.

Categories: Science
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