Dynamics Of Rural Development M.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : Sociology
Subject Code/Name : Dynamics Of Rural Development
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov. 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4193.-MA.RURAL%20DEVELOPMENT.pdf

Dynamics Of Rural Development :

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
All questions carry equal marks

1. Distinguish between growth and development.

Related : Alagappa University Statistical Methods M.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4148.html

2. Pinpoint any two objectives of rural development.
3. What do you mean by economic dualism –
4. What is unbalanced growth –
5. What is relative poverty –
6. Define poverty line.
7. What do you mean by change agent –
8. Name any two NGOs operating in your district.
9. What is demand driven approach –
10. Distinguish between social capital and human capital.
11. (a) What are the major indicators of rural
(b) Explain the conceptual frame work in rural
12. (a) Bring out the merits and demerits of balanced
(b) Discuss the backwash effect theory.
13. (a) What ere the causes for poverty –
(b) Spellout the various poverty alleviation
14. (a) Distinguish between VOs and NGOs with
(b) Explain the role of NGOs in rural development.
15. (a) What are the strategies to promote people’s
(b) Explain the different approaches to people’s
16. Explain the organisations structure of small,medium
17. State and explain trickle down theory.
18. Write a critical note on the measurement of poverty
19. Examine the VOs and NGOs under the five year
20. Pinpoint the role of social capital in rural

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer all questions.

1. What is hypothesis –
2. What is theory –
3. What is Research Design –
4. Define the concept of “Exploratory Research”.
5. What is Interdisciplinary Research –
2 RW-6086
6. What are the major components of accuracy measurement –
7. Define the concept of “Case Study method”.
8. Explain the meaning of Random sampling method.
9. Give two examples of secondary data.
11. (a) Write a short note on Theory and Fact.
(b) What is research design – Explain with example.
12. (a) Describe the different types of research.
(b) Explain the meaning of action research.
13. (a) What is the meaning of measurement in research –
(b) Which are the difficulties of scaling –
14. (a) What are the demeri ts of Social Survey Method –
(b) Explain the importance of Case Study Method –
15. (a) Outline Direct Interview Method –
(b) Write the outline for Report Writing.
16. What is Scientific Method – What are the Nature and
17. Explain the process of testing of hypothesis.
18. What are the merits and demerits of sampling –
19. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of
20. Differentiate Primary Data from Secondary data .

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you mean by peasantry –
2. Explain the meaning of ‘class differentiation’.
3. What is meant by habitat –
4. Define Religion.
5. What is green revolution –
6. Explain agrarian unrest.
7. What is pauperization –
8. Explain the term proletarianization.
9. What do you mean by globalization –
10. What is a directed change –

Part – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
All questions carry equal marks.
11 (a) Bring out the scope of rural sociology. (Or)
(b) Explain the significance of rural sociology.
12. (a) Distinguish between the little and great traditions. (Or)
(b) Explain the rural-urban continuum.
13 (a) Bring out the emerging agrarian class structure. (Or)
(b) Explain the link between mode of production and agrarian relations.
14 (a) Distinguish between pauperization and proletarianization. (Or)
(b) Bring out the problems arising out of migration.
15 (a) Distinguish between Planned and Directed change. (Or)
(b) What are the current rural development programmes in India ?

Part – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
16. Analyse the present status and problems of peasants in India.
17. Bring out the present trends in social institutions in rural areas.
18. Analyse the impact of current employment guarantee programmes on peasants in villages.
19. Explain the recent measures initiated by Govt. of India to deal with rural poverty and indebtedness.
20. Analyse the impact of globalization on small and marginal farmers.

Principles Of Sociology :
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the literal meaning of sociology.
2. List out the major opinions to the scope of sociology.
3. Define Culture.
4. What is Socialization ?
5. What is a class ?
6. Define Ethnicity.
7. Who has introduced the concept of Folkways ?
8. Describe the term social problem.
9. How the poverty is measured in India ?
10. Define Social change.

Categories: Sociology
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