Management Control And Information System M.B.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.B.A
Subject Code/Name : Management Control And Information System
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov. 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4184-MBA%28G%29.pdf

Management Control & Information System :

Business Administration
Answer all questions.

Related : Alagappa University Financial Services M.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4190.html

All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is Management control –
2. What do you mean by Information system –
3. Explain Profit Centres.
4. What is Transfer Pricing –
5. What do you mean by Decision Support System –
RW-6350 641301
2 RW-6350
6. Explain the meaning of Tactical decisions.
7. What is System Analysis –
8. What is Data Dictionary –
9. Explain Multinational Companies.
10. What are non-profit organisations –
11 (a) Explain the nature of Management Control.
(b) Explain the components and boundaries of a system.
12. (a) Discuss the management control process.
(b) List the features of Programming and Budgeting.
13 (a) Explain Transaction Processing with examples.
(b) What are the merits and demerits of Office Automation –
14 (a) Explain design documentation.
(b) List the various steps in Conceptual Design.
15 (a) Explain the merits of Multinational Companies.
(b) Briefly explain the special management control situations.
16. Discuss the various classification of Information systems.
17. Write short notes on :(a) Investments centres (b) Performance
18. Explain the features and benefits of Decision Support System.
19. Explain the various stages of System Development Life cycle.
20. Explain the various types of organisations and their implications.

Business Administration
Answer all questions.

1. Define Strategic management.
2. Define Mission.
3. What is meant by corporate level strategy –
4. What is meant by a hierarchy of strategy –
5. What is meant by EVA –
6. What is PEST analysis –
7. What are the dimensions of strategic decisions –
8. Write a brief note on R and D strategies.
9. What are the steps in strategic implementation –
10. What is value analysis –
11 (a) What are the benefits of the concept strategy –
(b) Explain the characteristics of objectives.
12. (a) Differentiate between External and Internal
(b) What information does ETOP contain –
13 (a) What are the strategic issues involved in
(b) Discuss the conditions where stability strategy is used.
14 (a) What is the purpose of doing competito analysis –
(b) Explain BCG matrix with suitable illustration.
15 (a) Explain the importance of resources in strategy formulation.
(b) How is a corporate strategy developed –
16. List and explain the grand strategies at the
17. What are the benefits of strategic management –
18. Is the GE Business Screen matrix just a more
19. Explain the nature and importance of strategic evaluation.
20. Briefly discuss various elements of macro environment.

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Section – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.

1. What do you mean by Risk –
2. What is a contract note –
3. Define fundamental analysis.
4. List any five sources for getting information for carrying out fundamental analysis.
5. Briefly explain bar chart.
6. What do you mean by odd-lot theory –
7. What is a portfolio –
8. How can a portfolio be diversified –
9. What are the different types of portfolio –
10. What are the measures for measuring
11. (a) Bring out the functions of Stock Exchange.
(b) Sketch the role of SEBI in Primary market.
12. (a) What do you mean by Industry analysis –
(b) Explain “Company analysis” in Fundamental analysis.
13. (a) What are the indicators used in Technical Analysis ? Explain any two indicators. (Or)
(b) What are the different types of charts used in Technical Analysis ? Explain Point and Figure chart.
14. (a) Briefly explain the features of Markowitz model. (Or)
(b) Briefly explain the features of Sharpe Model.
15. (a) Briefly explain Treynor Ratio. (Or)
(b) Briefly explain Sharpe Ratio for measuring portfolio performance.

Section – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions :
16. Give an account of reforms introduced by SEBI in primary and secondary market.
17. What do you mean by fundamental analysis ? State the rationale, procedure and limitations of the analysis.
18. Explain Dow theory. State the limitations of Dow Theory.
19. Explain the CAPM. What are the assumptions of CAPM.
20. What do you mean by portfolio evaluation ? What are the factors of portfolio performance evaluation ?

Categories: Business Studies
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