Test And Measurement And Statistics In Physical Education & Sports B.Ed Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Ed
Department : Education
Subject Code/Name : Test And Measurement And Statistics In Physical Education And Sports
Document Type : Model Question Paper /Previous Exams Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL.2011 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4154-B.P.Ed..pdf

Alagappa Physical Education Previous Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

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Part A (10 × 2 = 20)
1. Define “Measurement”.
2. Write the meaning of Evaluation.
3. Define “Motor Fitness”.
4. List down the test items in AAHPERD Motor Fitness Test.
5. List down the test items in Johnson Basketball Ability Test.
6. Explain Dyer Tennis Test.
7. Meaning of Statistics.
8. Define “Attributes”.
9. Define “Mean” and its uses.
10. Define “Median” and its uses.
11. (a) Explain the importance of Tests.
12. (a) Explain Kraus Weber strength test.
13. (a) Explain French Short Serve Badminton Test.
(b) Explain Mor Christrian Football Ability Test.
14. (a) Explain the need for statistics in physical education.
(b) Describe frequency distribution and draw a frequency Polygon.
15. (a) Calculate mean, median and mode from the following score.
(b) Calculate Standard Deviation from the following score.

Part C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
16. Explain various principles of Sports Training.
17. Define strength and explain how will you improve strength.
18. Explain the role of Mechanical principles in improving the performance of athletes.
19. Define Newton’s law of motion and its application in sports and games.
20. Define lever and explain the types of lever with examples from sports and game.

April 2011

B.P.Ed. Degree Examination, :
Physical Education :
Rules And Officiating Of Games And Track And Field : (CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks
1. Write down the measurements of Backboard in Basket ball.
2. State the specifications of Badminton net.
3. Write shortnotes on Kho-Kho post.
4. Write down the dimension of softball Diamond.
5. Mention the events of Decathlon and Heptathlon.
6. Write down the specifications of Javelin for men.
7. Comment on ‘24 seconds rule’ in Basketball.
8. Mention various ‘outs’ in cricket.
9. Write down the situations to award ‘9 metres’ throw in Handball.
10. State various commands in sport sprint start.

Part B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b)
All questions carry equal marks
11. (a) Explain the measurement of basketball ring with neat diagram. (Or)
(b) Explain the situations to award penalty kick in football.
12. (a) Describe the follow on method in Kho-Kho. (Or)
(b) Explain the ‘ rotation’ in volleyball.
13. (a) How will you measure the distance in long jump and high jump? (Or)
(b) How will you break the ‘tie’ for first place in pole vault competition?
14. (a) Explain the duties of various officials in the game of Handball. (Or)
(b) Explain the procedures to mark ‘double arc’ starting point for 5000m race.
15. (a) Listdown the explain the situations to award penalty corner and penalty stroke in Hockey. (Or)
(b) For a valid jump what are the rules to be followed in Triple jump competition.

Part C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions
All questions carry equal marks
16. Draw a neat diagram of Basketball court with correct measurements.
17. Diagrammatically explain the measurements of Kho-Kho court.
18. Explain the procedures to mark different exchange zones for 4 × 100mts relay race.
19. Analyse various fouls and misconducts in the game of football.
20. Prepare a Model score sheet for Track and field events.

April 2008

Elective – Health Education, Athletic Injuries And Firstaid : (CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks
1. Aims of health education
2. International health agencies
4. Chicken Pox
5. Contusion
6. Achilles tendon
7. Water pollution
8. Tobacco and health
9. Infrared rays
10. Contrasts bath

Part B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions. Choosing either (a) or (b)
All questions carry equal marks
11. (a) Write the scope of health education (Or)
(b) Explain the school health programme.
12. (a) Explain the types of immunizing agents. (Or)
(b) Describe the causes and types of infection.
13. (a) Suggest techniques to prevent sports injuries. (Or)
(b) Explain the open soft tissue injury.
14. (a) Discuss the influence of land pollution on health. (Or)
(b) Describe the effects of alcohol on health.
15. (a) Explain the classification of therapeutic modalities. (Or)
(b) Give an account on effects of massage.

Part C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions
All questions carry equal marks
16. Describe the healthful school environment and health programme schemes.
17. Explain the symptom, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and polio.
18. Give detailed account on specific injuries related to tennis.
19. Discuss the classification of drugs. Explain the effects of drugs and doping on health.
20. Explain electrotherapy and its significance.

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