Research Methodology And Basic Of Nanoscience M.Phil Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Phil
Department : Science
Subject Code/Name : Research Methodology And Basic Of Nanoscience
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Dec 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4136.-M.Phil.,%20NANOSCIENCE%20&%20TECHNOLOGY.pdf

Alagappa Methodology &  Nanoscience Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks

Related : Alagappa University Philosophical And Scientific Bases Of Physical Education M.Ed Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4139.html

Answer all questions.
1. (a) Explain about searching of chemical literature, chemical substance
(b) Explain in detail about developing technical specifications, patenting
2. (a) Explain in detail about the use of MS office and
(b) Explain in details about Molecular simulations

3. (a) (i) Explain in detail with suitable examples about top down
(b) (i) Describe in detail the various synthetic techniques
(ii) How are mechanical properties of CNTs different

4. (a) Explain in detail about the advantages of metal, s.
(b) What makes nanoparticles attractive in biology-
5. (a) Write an essay about the principles,
(b) Write an essay about the instrumentation and applications of TEM.

Advances In Nanoscience & Technology

Nanoscience and Technology
All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Explain the working principle of rotary pump
(b) Distinguish thermal evaporation from sputtering.
(c) Explain in detail the working principle and instrumentation
(d) Write a short note on thin film deposition using plasma arc method.
2. (a) What is SILAR- Explain how the nanoparticles
(b) What is emulsion- Describe the reverse micelle method.
(c) What is self assembly-
3. (a) Describe in detail DNA analyser as Biochip.
(b) Explain the function of DNA and explain in detail
(c) What is biomolecular gate- Explain in detail –
(d) Describe the function of proteins in molecular nanoelectronics.
4. (a) What is GMR- Explain the interlayer exchange coupling
(b) What is Coulomb blockade effect-
(c) List the different types of lithographic technique-
(d) What are magnetic switches-
(e) Write short notes on multilayer thin film domain
5. (a) Write the merits and demerits of applying nanoparticles in human body.
(b) Describe in detail the toxicity analysing process of nanoparticles.
(c) Give an account on safty of carbon nanotubes in the human body.
(d) Explain in detail the role of nanoparticles deposites in the Brain.

Scientific Bases Of Physical Education

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
1. Definition of ‘‘philosophy”.
2. What is Idealism-
3. Explain motivation and learning.
4. Explain Intelligence and learning.
5. Meaning of sociology.
6. Explain sociology of sports.
7. Definition of ‘‘curriculum”.
8. Role of Administration in curriculum.
9. Importance of curriculum.
10. What is field try out in curriculum-
11. (a) Explain Philosophy in Education.
(b) Explain Realism.
12. (a) What is law of learning-
(b) Explain Individual differences in learning.
13. (a) Explain sociological implications of educational sports
(b) Explain group Dynamics.
14. (a) Explain curriculum design.
(b) Explain physical education curriculum in colleges.
15. (a) Explain curriculum Reform.
(b) Explain Appraisal of total curriculum.
16. Explain philosophy in physical education and Body mechanics.
17. What are the theories of learning and Explain.
18. Explain sociological Benefits of sports.
19. Explain physical education curriculum in university.
20. Explain curriculum Experimentation and improvement through Administrative standards.

Categories: Science
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