Lab-III Oracle And Visual Basic B.C.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.C.A
Subject Code/Name : Lab-III Oracle And Visual Basic
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Dec. 2009 :www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4123-B.C.A.%20(Upto%202002).docx

Alagappa University Lab-III Oracle & Visual Basic Questions

(Common for all batches)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Alagappa University Digital Computer organization M.C.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4089.html

December 2009

Examiner should select and give ONE question to each candidate by lot system. :
Answer ONE question. :
Each question has Two subdivisions. :
1. (a) Create a table with item code, item name, quantity and unit price. Write a PL/SQL program to display the item whose unit price is greater than 50 and quantity supplied is greater than 2000.
(b) Write a VB program to accept a number and display the sum of digits.

2. (a) Create a table with taluk number, name, name of the tashildhar, population of the child labourers. Write a PL/SQL program.
(i) display the taluks with population of the child labourers lies between 100 and 1000.
(ii) display the tahsildhar’s name for all taluks.
(b) Write a VB program to accept two strings in two text box and display the concatenated string in message box.

3. (a) Write a VB program to accept and display the numbers until the given number is a 5 digit number.
(b) Write a PL/SQL program to display all the male and female voters with age > 21. Create the table with necessary fields.

4. (a) Create a table with the following particulars. number, name, sex, age. Write a PL/SQL program.
(i) to display the particulars of all minor boys i.e. age < 21.
(ii) to display the particulars of all minor girls i.e. age < 18.
(b) Write a VB program to accept your name and convert it to upper case.

5. (a) Create a table with the following particulars. Ration card number, Card holder name, Number of adults and number of children. Write a PL/SQL program to compute the quantity of sugar to be distributed to each family using the below formula. Sugar quota = 2.5 * total number of family members
(b) Write a VB program to reverse a given number.

6. (a) Create a table with employee number, employee name, designation department and Basic Pay. Write a PL/SQL program to display the appropriate pay slip. The formula for calculating allowances and deduction is given below.
Allowance = 15% of Basic Pay
Deductions = 10% of Basic Pay
(b) Write a VB program to check whether the given word is palindrome or not.
7. (a) Create a table with code, item name, unit price, discount and quantity.
Write a PL/SQL program to calculate and display the selling price for the given item.
Selling price = (unit price quantity) – discount.
(b) Write a VB program to calculate surface area and volume of sphere

8. (a) Write a PL/SQL program to compute EB bill for each family. Create a table with necessary fields.
(b) Write a VB program to accept the first, middle and last name of a person and to print the concatenated name.

December 2008

Lab II – DBase And C : (Upto 2002)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Student has to choose ONE question by lot system.
1. (a) Write a C program to search for an element in an array containing n elements.
(b) Write a dBase program to accept 10 numbers and print the minimum value.
2. (a) Write a C program to arrange n numbers in descending order.
(b) Write a command file to display all ODD numbers from 1 to 100.

3. (a) Write a C program to multiply two matrices of different sizes.
(b) Create a dbase file, which contains the following fields :
Name 25 characters
Regnum 6 digits
Mark1 3 digits
Mark2 3 digits
Mark3 3 digits
Write a DBase program to print number of pass and fail. Condition for pass : 40% in all subjects.

4. (a) Write a C program to find the area of a Rectangle, Square and Cone.
(b) Develop a dbase program for library management by storing Book-num, Name of author, Title of the Book in file and display the information available in file.

5. (a) Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using a function.
(b) Given set of 10 numbers. Print the second smallest and second largest number.

6. (a) Write a C program to solve the Quadratic equation.
(b) Develop a dbase program that stores
Name char 25
Percentage Real 8 2
Pick the person who has the highest percentage and rank them.

7. (a) Write a C program to generate first 20 Fibonacci series.
(b) Write a dBase program that accepts 10 numbers and calculate their sum and display the result.

8. (a) Write a C program to sort the given set of names in alphabetical order.
(b) Write a dbase program to check whether the given number in Armstrong number or not.
9. (a) Write a C program to copy the content of one file into another file.
(b) Write a command file in dbase to prepare mailing label for 20 students.
Name Character 20
Street Character 20
City Character 20
Pin Numeric 6


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