Instructional Dynamics M.Phil Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Phil
Department : Education
Subject Code/Name : Instructional Dynamics
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4105h-M.Phil.(Edu)2002onw.docx

Alagappa Instructional Dynamics Question Paper

1.Examine the relevance of pragmatism to the pedagogical needs of the present
2.Explain the Instructional development model of UNESCO.

Related : Alagappa University Philosophical & Scientific Bases Of Physical Education M.Ed Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4139.html

3.What is concept mapping- Evaluate its use as a teaching strategy.
4.Discuss the significance of computer assisted instruction.
5.Write short notes on :(a)Workshop
6.Give the profile of competent teachers.
7.What are different forms of teaching styles-
8.What should be the method of teaching according to Humanis-
9.Mention the advantages of B. F. Skinner’s contingency management model.
10.Write the effectiveness of mnemonics.
11.Lecture is the most economic, effective and significant method of instruction.
12.What is the contribution of Naturalism to the instructional process-
13.What is systems modeling-
14.Evaluate hybridization as a teaching (instructional strategy).
15.What care is to instruct students with learning disability-

Methods Of Educational Inquiry

1.Write an essay on experimental research.
2.What are the uses of statistical techniques in educational research-
3.Suggest ten thrust areas in educational research.
4.Differentiate delimitation from limitations.
5.Explain ethnomethodology giving two examples.
6.Define norms. How are norms established-
7.Describe Wilcoxon signed rank test. Mention its advantages.
8.Mention six uses of computers in educational research.
9.Describe six characteristics of educational research.
10.Explain meta analysis bringing out its uses in educational research.
11.Construct an open-ended questionnaire for a research topic of your choice.
12.Define the terms validity and reliability. How will you establish reliability –
13.Under what conditions and with what type of data do we get a normal-
14.What do you understand by generalization of findings of research-
15.Differentiate assumption from hypothesis giving an example.

Cognitive Perspectives

1.Discuss any one perceptual theory with its implications.
2.Trace the sequences in language acquisition.
3.Explain selective attention. Mention four causes of distraction.
4.Write a note on the biological foundation of cognition.
5.Suggest measures to overcome distortion in perception.
6.How does thinking help in problem solving-
7.Discuss the term ‘Reflective thinking’.
8.Mention the principles of metacognitive instruction.
9.Show how perception helps in concept development.
10.Discuss Psycho linguistic intervention on language development.
11.Discuss unilevel meta-cognitive training in educational environment.
12.Explain the role of sensory integration in learning.
13.Write a note on automatic cognitive processes.
14.Differentiate critical and creative thinking.
15.Describe the factors affecting the thought process.

Management Of Physical Education

(CBCS – 2010 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define management.
2. What is management structure?
3. Define policy.
4. What is supervision?
5. What is planning?
6. What do you mean by physically challenged people?
7. Define budget appraisal.
8. What is fiscal management?
9. Write the meaning of purchase process.
10. Write the meaning of issue process.

Part B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
All questions carry equal marks.
11. (a) Explain importance of management.
(b) Discuss effective and efficient management.
12. (a) Write the general and specific qualification of physical education teacher.
(b) Write the general and specific qualification of a Coach.
13. (a) Discuss about indoor facilities.
(b) Discuss about outdoor facilities.
14. (a) Explain the importance of office management.
(b) Describe about risk management.
15. (a) Write the guidelines for selecting sports equipments.
(b) Write the guidelines for purchasing sports equipment.

Part C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
16. Describe the principles for organizing physical education program.
17. Discuss methods of evaluation of physical education and sports program.
18. What are the health consideration to be taken care of in planning facilities for physical education program?
19. Discuss about budget presentation and adoption.
20. Explain the process of checking, storing, issuing and maintaining equipments.

Categories: Education
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