Obstetrics BHMS Question Bank : dkmmhomoeocollege.com

Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Obstetrics
Year : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : dkmmhomoeocollege.com

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DKMM Obstetrics Question Paper I

Q.1. Solve any ten out of fifteen :

Section – A

1. the length of the uterus is approximately— cms
2. bartholin’s glands are situated near—
3. The leugth of falloption tube is less/more than uterus

Related : Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College Repertory BHMS Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/4107.html

4. In occipito-posterior position the head has to move— of the circle in mechanisum of labour
5. 3rd stage of labour is of —-minutes
6. Rupture of uterus is common in primis / multies (yes / No)
7. In accidental hemorrhage the placenta is abnormally situated in the uterus (yes/No.)
8.Pregnant women head—- hrs rest during night & daytime
9. Rubella vaccination must be given to girls who has not vaccinate with— in infancy
10.Apgar score includes 5 points which are they

11.Caput sussidenum is collection of —— below —–
12. Pre eclampsia is syndrome characterized by ———
13.Vesiculor mole can seen on USG as ———- appearance
14.ectopic pregnancy is mainly seen in————–
15.cause of habitual abortion is mainly ————
16.Septic abortion is a complication of ———— abortion mainly
17.Explain full form of TORCH test .
18 Dirrhoea in new born is because of ————– feeding
19.Adventages of breast feeding to mother are———— ,—————,—————
20. purprium is a period of ———– days after delivery
21. In puerperal sepsis, the organisms invaded are———–,———-,—————–
22.name all vaccines given to a infant
23.pereod of adolescence is from ————— to———- yrs
24.HIV infection is mainly because of 4 things which are this
25. what is the diameter of engagement in normal labour
26. explain maternal mortality rate ?
27. what is the meaning ? MRP ? when it is done
28. what are the precautions taken in first trimesters
29. which are the blood test carried out during ANS period ?
30. example toxemias of pregnancy ?

Section – B

Q.2.Solve any four out of six :
1. Investigate a case of re current abortions
2. What are the signs in early pregnancy
3. Diagnosis of pregnancy
4. Breast changes during pregnancy
5. What is UGR?
6. Complication in accidental hemorrhage case
7. What are the emergencies in obstetrics
8. What are the signs of labour
9. Explain machanism of labour in occpito Post position
10. What are the cause of PPH ?
11. Ultra sonography in obstetrics is boon or course
12. Investigation of anaemia in pregnancy.
13. Explain oligo hydramio
14. Convulsion In new born
15. Indication for a forceps dilivery
16. Indication for caesarian secton operations
17. Explain entire procedure of D & E
18. M.T.P.
19. Infant mortalily rate
20. Rural obstetrics

Q.3. solve any two out of four : (10 marks each )
1. Explain antepartum haemorrhage
2. Antenatal care
3. Breast feeding Promoting
4. causes of PPH and Management
5. abnormal Presentations
6. Breach with abnormal presentations.

Q.4. Solve any one out of three :
1. normal labour
2. Machanism
3. signs
4. complication in mother

Q.5. Placenta praenia :
1. Garades of Pl Praevia
2.signs and symptoms
3. management
4. complication

Q.6. Abortion :
1. Name them
2.name them
3. complication invitable abortion
4. Preventive measures

Q.7. Diseases complicating pregnancy :
1. Name them
2. Management of pre eclampsia
3. diabetic retinopathy
4. Albumineria (Protenurea )

Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Q1) Solve any 10 out of 15 (for 2 marks each)
1. First Hom. Pharmacopoeia of U.S.A was published in which year and by whom?
2. Which is the year of publication of first vol. of HPI and give no. of monograms.
3. Give two branches of Pharmacy proper.
4. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased products of plants.
5. Flowers are collected in which weather and when?
6. When the roots of annuals and biennials are collected?
7. 2 uses of Sugar of Milk.
8. What is the chemical formula of Glycerine and give its molecular wt.?
9. Name the two solid vehicles.
10. What are the types of Spatula?
11. How to clean wooden instruments?
12. In succussion how many scales are used?
13. What are the contents of inscription?
14. What are the two methods of preparation of Mother Tincture according to new method?
15. How to preserve Carbo veg. and Camphor?
16. Which is the first Hom. Pharmacopoeia? When it was published?
17. How many volumes of Indian homoeopathic pharmacopoeia? When first volume is published?
18. When was first edition of A.H.P published and by whom?
19. Name the two medicines prepared from bulb of fruit.
20. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased product of animal.
21. Whole plants are collected in which season and when?
22. What are objective and subjective symptoms?
23. Name two methods of conducting Hom. Drug proving.
24. Name two varieties of petroleum jelly.
25. Who introduced 50 millisimal scale and in which edition of Organon of medicine?

Categories: Medical
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