Principles Of Child Development M.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : Social Work
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Child Development
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4100-M.A.(CC&E).docx

Principles Of Child Development :

1.Bring out the relationship between maturation and learning.
2.What are the ways to identify hearing and sight defects in a child-
3.Discuss the stages in the process of learning to speak.

Related : Alagappa University Social Work Practice With Individuals And Groups M.S.W Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4160.html

4.How would you identify a child with speech problems-
5.What are the reasons for withdrawal behaviour of a child-
6.What are the factors that promote the feeling of safety in a child-
7.List out and explain any three factors which affect emotional –
8.Suggest the ways of handling the stealing behaviour of a child.

Answer any FOUR questions :
9. Explain the role of genetic and environmental factors in the development of a child.
10. What are called gross motor skills and fine motor skills? Bring out their importance in the carry childhood development.
11. What is Acquisition of concept? How does the concept formation promote cognitive development?
12. Suggest the ways of promoting the language skills.
13. Describe the emotional expression, such as frustrandrums, enuresis and withdrawn behaviour.
14. Bring out the individual differences among the children in acquisition of language.
15. Analyse the relationship between physical development and motor skills in children.

M.A. (Child Care And Education) Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Child Health And Nutrition :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE questions in about 250 words each.
1. What do you mean by ‘B’ complex deficiency?
2. Plan a balanced diet for pregnant and lactating women.
3. Briefly discuss about the National Health Policy.
4. What are the objectives of Mid day meal programme?
5. Discuss about the National Programme for Control of Blindness.
6. Explain the concept of diet survey.
7. Discuss the role of Balwadi Nutrition programme in health and hygiene of children.
8. Write short note on balanced diets for children.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions in about 600 words each.
9. What are the major deficiency diseases of children? How will you control deficiency disease among children?
10. Examine the health situation in India and explain about the health schemes adopted by government of India.
11. What are the common childhood ailments and what preventive steps to be extended?
12. Explain the interrelationship between nutrients and health with special reference to vitamins and minerals.
13. Explain the nutritional requirements of different age groups. How will you plan balanced diet for children with different age groups?
14. Define ‘‘Mental health’’. Explain the role of National mental health programme working for children in our country.
15. Discuss the importance of personal hygiene as an essential factor for health of the children.

M.A. (Cc & E) Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Education Of The Young Child :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE questions in about 250 words each.
1. Discuss the relevance of negative education by Rousseau for us today.
2. What do you mean by learning readiness?
3. Discuss the problems of wastage and stagnation.
4. Explain the importance of education of the girl child.
5. Discuss the significance of play way method for Nursery schools.
6. Write a short note on Equalisation of educational opportunities.
7. What do you mean by learning readiness?
8. What are the merits of play way method?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions in about 600 words each.
9. Describe the contributions of Tagore to primary education.
10. Explain the salient features of Gandhian philosophy and indicate their relevance for us today.
11. Describe the values of the music for pre-school education.
12. Evaluations in an essential input to primary education – Discuss.
13. Discuss the Basic features of minimum level learning.
14. Suggest the activities for promoting cognitive and language skills.
15. Explain the five year plans and their policies.

Categories: Social Science

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